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Discovering Zambia - (Discovering: warm hospitality, and tsetse flies, and wilddogs, and 44-7degree temps, and leopards, and film crews)


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We start out in the morning,   to cross back across the river and make our way to the airstrip......to be reunited with my clothes for the next 5 days of walking in NLNP.   Very sad to say good-bye to Stephen,   but was wonderful to also meet another couple at the airstrip who would be joining us.    


But no bag.      Whoops!    The bag was in Tafika's office,   with a tag on it to bring to the airstrip.   But it didn't make it.       Oh well........I'd done okay so far,   and the temps were hot enough that even my safari trousers were dry overnight and inside.....not even in the sun.     I'll be good.     There really was only one thing I was truly missing from the big bag,   and that was my antihistamine cream.    The tsetse fly bites weren't healing,   and now I had a great many of them.     Maybe it would get better up North.

















It was really Mwaleshi Camp I was most looking forward to,   and I'm not sure why.      But it was everything I'd hoped and more when we got there.




Edited by Scooter
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