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M&M - not just delicious candies!


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@Atravelynn it was a nice surprise to see so many porcupines.  Several were often seen near camp and I wondered if they were being fed!


@michael-ibk indeed it was a great sighting to top off my time in that wonderful park

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We finally decided to let the cheetah dine in private and went off to see if we could find the same lions the other vehicle had deserted us for.  Unfortunately, by the time we got there the lions had moved on.  We did some last ditch rhino hunting but came up blank.  Kudu, impala, baboon and other usual suspects were the best we could come up with.  After morning tea, we decided to go back to see if the cheetah was still there or if there were any scavengers.  Imagine our surprise when we encountered our old friend from the day before, the palm nut vulture, having a go at the carcass.




My time in Liwonde was fast winding down.  One final game drive en route to the front gate produced some more plains game as well as a pride of lions lounging in the shade.






What a fun four days I had had at Mvuu Lodge.  But my adventure was only half way done by then - Mozambique awaited!


Goodbye to my guide Chifundo, and tracker Allan.  And goodbye to Liwonde National park!



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@mungopark That baobab Strangler fig combo is amazing. Excellent cheetah sighting and good variety of antelope species.

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Thanks @Geoff!  I definitely feel like Liwonde has much to offer and that I got to see and do a lot while there.  Definitely a good mix of species and some very nice sightings, lack of rhino notwithstanding.  My enthusiasm in the TR must have shown through since you mentioned my two favorite memories from the park - the cheetah kill and Livingstone's baobab.   

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