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Gorongosa July 2024 - Uma jornada na selva


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We raced off in the general direction that we'd been told the dogs were last seen.  Sure enough, coming out into an open glade, there they were.  No one else was around - we had the sighting all to ourselves.  I'm not sure if the other vehicle had come and gone or if they had missed the dogs entirely, but regardless, here was my second private dog sighting of the trip and it was wonderful.  There were all kinds of doggy activities going on ....


Doggy smile ...




and doggy style ...




Dogs in ones ...






and twos ...








and threes ..





Doggy portraits ...




Light doggy ...




and dark doggy ...




So much action and so many dogs, but never for a moment did I tire of photographing them ...





Several of them had wounds and one in particular looked worse for the wear.   We alerted the veterinary staff who rushed out to take a look, though just as they were arriving the dogs had begun to drift away into the bush.  What a fine way to start the morning with excellent sightings of two of the hallmark species from the park within a short span of time.  Amazingly, more hallmark species sightings were yet to come that morning!




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Lovely dog images, and the next generation is hopefully conceived

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How much excitement can one game drive deliver? Wow.


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@wilddogthis was one of the packs not denning at the time.  Give them a few weeks 😃


@Peter Connan there was even more excitement to come from the same game drive!

Edited by mungopark
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30 minutes ago, mungopark said:

this was one of the packs not denning at the time.  Give it them a few weeks


Pleased to report that the alpha female in that pack (the Mussambizi Pack) is indeed pregnant and the pack is expected to begin denning imminently - meaning all 12 packs in Gorongosa will have denned this year. The expectation is that, by the end of the year, the current population of c.200 dogs in Gorongosa will number between 250 and 300.


Enjoying re-living the tour through your report @mungopark!

Edited by Pictus Safaris
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