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The Land Below the Wind - of small jumbos and beasts and scintillating birds


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Excellent report @Kitsafari.  You had many great sightings.  Sabah is an amazing place and I always love reading trip reports to see all the latest sightings.

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Thank you @Zim Girl @michael-ibk @Atdahl for the kind comments!


I'm just back from a trip to SA, hence the late reply. 


On 8/23/2024 at 6:54 PM, Zim Girl said:

Great report @Kitsafari.  I loved the moody sunrise pictures.

We went twenty years ago and you definitely make the case for a return visit!


@Zim Girl

we are hoping to do a return trip but won't wait so long to do so! hope you will make that return trip soon. 

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