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Hads and son 1st big year of birding 2024


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Well after our recent Safari's and my youngest sons increased passion for birding I will open a Topic for him.

The birding is mainly from our local area in Dampier and Karratha in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

I wont post any of his photo's I will leave that to him :) 

I hope you enjoy them.

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That is great news @Hads -  a warm welcome to you and your son! We'd been to Perth's surroundings to bird in 2019 but never been to as north as Pilbara, so I'm very much looking forward to new birds from Australia!


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Peter Connan

I'm also looking forward to this. Had a quick look on the map and it seems an interesting area!

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Fantastic news! This thread needs some fresh blood. Warm welcome, Son of the Hads!

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A warm welcome here and I’m looking forward to the photos from a part of the world still unknown to me!

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Always good to have new blood in the big year - welcome!

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Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome.

@Peter Connanthis remote area of Western Australia is similar in climate and scenery to the Karoo and parts of Namibia. It is very dry and we rely alot on getting rain from passing cyclones.

Below is a link which gives you an idea of the region in which we live.




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Posted (edited)

A few introduction photo's from my son Alex :) - Black faced cuckoo shrike,

All photo's taken from close to home, within 20 km's.


Alex bird 2024 3.jpeg

Male variegated fairy wren

Alex bird 2024 4.jpeg

Rainbow Bee-eater

Alex bird 2024 5.jpeg

Caspian Tern

Alex bird 2024 6.jpeg

Little Black Cormorants

Alex bird 2024 7.jpeg

Little Egret's??

Alex bird 2024 8.jpeg


Alex bird 2024 9.jpeg

White bellied Sea eagle

Alex bird 2024 10.jpeg

White bellied Sea eagle getting chased by a spotted harrier.

Alex bird 2024 11.jpeg


Alex bird 2024 12.jpeg


Alex bird 2024 13.jpeg

Edited by Hads
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Posted (edited)

A couple of nights ago Alex and his mum rescued a young Nankeen Kestrel that was injured on the side of the road.

They took the bird to a local wildlife carer, she said the bird was healthy and will be fine.

Alex bird 2024 1.jpeg


Alex bird 2024 2.jpeg

Edited by Hads
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Great start by Alex! And rescuing that kestrel shows his dedication and love.

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Some colourful local birds in the first batch and even a few impressive raptors! Well done with the Kestrel!

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Welcome Alex. You have made a great start to the Big Year

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Your egrets look like great white, rather than little to me, but I don’t know if there is a regional third option….

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Thanks to everyone for there kind words for Alex.

@Tdgraveswe are unsure on the Egret but are leaning towards a little egret due to the black beak wheras the great egret seems to have a predominantly yellow beak.

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2 hours ago, Hads said:

wheras the great egret seems to have a predominantly yellow beak.

Which changes depending on the breeding season. Other option is pacific reef-heron…

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great job Alex on the rescue of the kestrel and on all the bird shots. loving that brilliant capture of the harrier chasing the eagle. that sure shows the difference in the size of that eagle. 

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Peter Connan

Nice Job Alex!


Be careful though, they can really bite! Best to wear gloves.

I have been bitten twice rescuing birds and not following my own advice. A Penguin with its' foot caught in a plant and a Hamerkop with its' foot in a snare.

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Welcome Alex and Hads, great to see the beginnings of one of the world's future top birders here.🙂


Well done with the Kestrel, bravo!

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A warm welcome from me as well Alex and Hads and a great start ! 

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