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Kruger and Sabi Sands - a safari of elephants and leopards (and much else)


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Peter Connan

Well you certainly saw leopards, and up close too!

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Posted (edited)

Into the Night (with Leopards)


If you don't want to see lots of images of leopards, best look away.


The young leopard was looking to move:




Mum was also moving but not far:





The cub passed behind the vehicle:



Meeting the adult as she moved across the grass:








As the adult moved back to shade the cub climbed into a tree where dinner was waiting:



Meanwhile mum was moving around and seemed to be calling. Eventually the second cub who we had yet to see emerged:



There was the usual meeting with mum followed by a wash:





The cubs exchanged places at the dinner table (we did not get a good view of this as another vehicle was in the spot):



The second cub came back down a few minutes later :



Bounced behind our vehicle:





Finally we got to see the family together:



This didn't last long as mum decided it was time for her to eat:



The cubs waited patiently as evening drew in, unfortunately they didn't play - presumably as it was too warm. The moon was spectacular and it is clear (pun intended) how much pollution we have in the atmosphere at home:



After a while we left the family to it and headed away. Outside of the lodge we met a young female leopard who had a cub of a few weeks age secreted close by although we did not follow her:



All in all a stunning afternoon with leopards - over three hours with a single family most of it on our own. 



Edited by pomkiwi
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All your leopard pics are a feast for the eyes! And the greenery makes the cub look especially lovely. You can count yourself very lucky to have seen Sable in Kruger. None for me in 5 visits. Maybe next year?

Thanks for sharing your pics and narrative. 

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Great Leopard sighting - and photos!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Peter Connan

Any amount of photooverdose is acceptable for a sighting that special!

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