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Tiger Triple Play: A return to Central India's Tiger Parks, March 2024


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3 hours ago, Abhishek Sharma said:

@janzinAs always, the pictures are fantastic! Loved all of them. I am eagerly looking forward to seeing you and Alan soon. :)  

I sure hope so! Have to figure out where in India to go next!

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@janzinthank you for an excellent, very enjoyable report with beautiful photos.

You had some wonderful sightings. Thank you for sharing them

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Oh, this report is over way too soon! I really enjoy your excellent photography and narrative.  You had so many lucky sightings, be it with the melanistic leopard, the Dhole or the four tiger cubs. I enjoyed traveling with you very much.
Your beautiful pictures show us how far we have yet to go with our own photography equipment and skills. Lots of room to grow and get better!

Thank you for sharing!

All the best and may you be lucky in Patagonia as well.


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Thanks @TonyQand @KaliCAfor following along!

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How precious that Tiger cub sighting was. Despite a few challenges you had many magnificent sightings. As always a huge pleasure to follow this report with its magnificent photos. Thanks so much for sharing Janet, and I am looking forward to read about your Patagonian adventure.

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Wow, great report as usual Janet.  You had lots of great encounters and sure captured them well with incredible photos.  Sorry to hear that Alan had some down days but that seems to happen once in a while to all of us.


Thanks for sharing your adventure with us.



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An amazing trip, filled with fantastic sightings and locations. I would love to be going on for a couple of pages at least! But alas, Patagonia is waiting for you ... and I am waiting for next trip report full of extraordinary photos.


P.S.: how many cards/photos did you have to browse through?

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12 hours ago, xelas said:


P.S.: how many cards/photos did you have to browse through?

Too many!! About 18K photos to start but I whittled it down to about 4800 photos.  And only processed under a hundred I think.

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11 hours ago, janzin said:

About 18K photos to start but I whittled it down to about 4800 photos.  And only processed under a hundred I think.

We need to restrict the fps on our cameras :ph34r:; with ML and silent shutter our average increased 3x over the dSLR :blink:.

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2 hours ago, xelas said:

We need to restrict the fps on our cameras :ph34r:; with ML and silent shutter our average increased 3x over the dSLR :blink:.

That's true, but it could be worse. I just saw a guy I follow on Instagram post that he took 48k photos in 8 days in Alaska. I just can't imagine how that's even possible, and it really feels more like spray and pray type of photography at that point rather than trying to compose a good photo. 

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Zim Girl

Stunning pictures of the tigers in this TR @janzin.  The mother and cub ones were beautiful.  What an incredible leopard sighting.  Fantastic trip!

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@janzinThanks for another through and informative India report. What a miracle that you were able to find a replacement FTZ adapter in the midst of the trip. I hope that good karma will benefit your Italian friend who saved you. 

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I waited to the bitter end to thank you Janet. As always a great report and superb photographs. You make it look so easy sometimes. And despite teh many excellent stripey Cats you top the lot with Leopards. Not just 'dusky' but three in a sequence rarely seen. I can't help thinking that male# 2 was a recently banished cub of the female who was being forced out while mum got off for a romantic assignment. Or just a young interlope than knew something was 'up' but did not know what to do abut it.

Either way an enviable sighting.

Any up date on the missing Adapter?

Sorry about poor Alan's health and spot on about the poor quality of spicy food in India made mild for the tourists. I don't want the roof of my mouth to burst into flames but it would be nice to get a decent curry.



On 6/22/2024 at 12:40 PM, janzin said:

Have to figure out where in India to go next!

North. Try Ladakh if you have not been. Or if you have go again. With your luck you will surely have an awesome time.

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On 6/30/2024 at 4:00 PM, Galana said:

Any up date on the missing Adapter?

Funny you should mention that, I am just about to file the claim with the post office. They said I had to wait 30 days after the inquiry to file a claim--it's past that. The tracking shows it's been in customs since May 17th :o Meantime Mr. Italy has not contacted me, I suppose he's given up on it. But of course if I get any reimbursement I will send it to him.


As far as Ladakh...I think it's just too difficult for us at this point, between the cold and the altitude and the terrain. :(  But I'm thinking about that park with the Red Pandas....Singalila. Good for birds too.


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Posted (edited)
On 7/3/2024 at 8:32 PM, janzin said:

I think it's just too difficult for us at this point, between the cold and the altitude and the terrain. :(

Well you know your limit and comfort zone but do think about it. I was never cold or short of breath and there are lots of level bits too. I loved area so much I have been back twice, took Lady G to see it, and have a plan to go back again some time soon out of pure nostalgia and friendship. It's been 8   6 years believe it or not.:o

Edited by Galana
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I had a problem adding likes to your posts, so pse consider them "liked"! thank you for the enjoyable TR. 


how adorable that cub was to the young and shy tigress. amazing sightings you've had, including those of dhole and the trio of leopards! wow. 

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Thanks @KitsafariFunny I am seeing your "likes" on a few posts. Anyway, indeed we had some fantastic moments for sure!

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A little late to the party reading this but fantastic TR as usual. Finally planning a return to India in April 2026. So a ways away but have contacted Abishek already and have been reading lots of trip report.  I made a promise not to leave my passport at the currency exchange desk this time. It was a bit of an ordeal in the middle of the night.  :wacko:

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