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2019 - First Safari Ever - Kwando Camps


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Fantastic first trip - and report. Nothing can beat the thrill of seeing a Giraffe, a Lion or a Cheetah for the very first time in the wild! When are you at 4 Rivers this year? There myself in November. 

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@michael-ibkThank you.     I have been back twice now,  and once to Zambia since then.    I knew we were seeing something really special at the time,   but didn't realize just HOW special that buffalo kill was.      I haven't heard the lions like that since.......definitely heard them roar,   but now I know,   "oh that's got to be a couple km's away".    It's that first trip that I look back on with such fondness.    


We start November's trip at Lagoon,   then will be at PomPom,   and head to 4-Rivers on the 30th? I think.    And depart on Dec2.      I've convinced my brother, and sil (and BF again),   to join in the fun,    so this will be wonderful to experience their "firsts".    

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a beautiful intro, both words and photos.  Your short course in photography from your son and youtube were effective.  We share Animal #1.


"Let's go check the carcass."  Love it!  Glad you got a beautiful ele sighting later to go with your "one dead" "one cranky."


You must be a lion whisperer too.  In the tree, getting the buffalo!


You have indeed been hooked.  Hope your other trips are/will be as exciting!

Edited by Atravelynn
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What a awesome report thanks, the lions on your last morning is wonderful @Scooter - celebrating Africa for 50th birthdays is very special.

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Loved reading this! You have the most engaging style @Scooter- photos are amazing for a newbie! Thanks for sharing and looking forward to seeing how your photos have evolved.

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what an incredible send-off! I can just feel all that excitement and thrill of being on safari and the saying "once in a lifetime" safari in Africa? hardly rings true for so many of us.   

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