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An active mammal watcher's guide to the birds of Sri Lanka


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Thanks both. It's definitely improved over the em1 mk2 especially the new computational modes, but it's not infallible and I also missed some shots, like of lucas and a lovely fish eagle that Eric managed to get, I blame user error for that. 


I'm not really sure that it's a massive step up compared to my old camera in terms of af speed on smaller birds such as swallow, I'm still struggling with those, and obviously is still limited by all the usual m43 limitations of the sensor size. I'm probably not getting the best out of it yet.. If I wasn't already invested in the m34 system and money was not an object I might make a different choice. But since it was discounted a fair bit, owing to the new mk2 model arriving soon after we bought them, I don't feel too bad upgrading. 


Also about the guide, he certainly was not a bad guide compared to some (one in particular) I have used, and obviously nature plays a part in how successful a trip can be (especially in the case of the cats and rare species like pangolin) . You saw that he really did put the effort in there and we were unlucky. 


My main beef was really the whale snorkeling trip. If it was really impossible to even organise that from the outset, which seems to be the case, he must have known that with all his many connections and we could have made a decision not to do that part of the trip, especially given poor numbers of previous year's and the fact that just seeing them from a boat wasn't as big as a priority to me personally as I had a fantastic sighting in Svalbard previously. 

Edited by kittykat23uk
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