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In the Shadow of the Torres - finding puma in Chilean Patagonia

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Brilliant Puma sightings and photos, thank you so much! Really wish my trip was this year and not in 2025!🙂

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  • 5 weeks later...

Wow. And darn it. After reading this and the report by @TonyQI’ve started contemplating this for 2025. Thank you for the excellent photos and insights. 

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Double Dare

Thank you so much for this post!  I leave for Patagonia on October 17th and will be tracking pumas with Far South.  I cannot wait!!  (This is the 4th time I have scheduled this trip so I am hoping I actually get there this time....)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Miss Biscuit

My God these are gorgeous shots all around. What amazing sightings! It's all stunning.

I've been to TDP and kick myself that I didn't do puma tracking. I must go back and will refer back to this report. Maybe next year. 

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