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pedro maia

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Spectacular vulture sightings and photos 

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pedro maia

And as bonus track we had the visit of a fox:










And that´s all from Buseu and the Pyrinees.

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Incredibly beautiful photos of the vultures Pedro! That must have been an amazing experience to see them so close.

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17 hours ago, Peter Connan said:

It's hard to be 100% sure with that photo, but the tail also looks wrong for Harrier hawk to me.

The tail and that short crest keeps me in the Wahlberg camp. I can't quite make out the Cere well enough to get the colour.


Anyway. We have moved on to some wonderful Vulture shots which take us to another level. Splendid stuff.

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Oh wow, a simply magnificent Vulture experience. Top photos Pedro!

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With such photos, there is no overload! 

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What an amazing set of Vultures Pedro !! 

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I love your new avatar and it’s not threatening at all as long as I keep moving

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Zim Girl

Spectacular vulture sighting and pictures.

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fabulous vulture shots and what a fantastic experience. 17 lammergeiers??!! and i was so thrilled with 4 or was it 5.


the lammergeires are my favourite vulture and I enjoyed each and every of your shots of them, especially those where they showed off their majestic wings.  

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Peter Connan

Amazing stuff Pedro!

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