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pedro maia

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pedro maia

W736 Lesser striped swallow (Cecropis abyssinica)


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pedro maia
Posted (edited)

W737 African harrier-hawk (Polyboroides typus)


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pedro maia
Posted (edited)

W737 Red-knobbed Coot (Fulica cristata)


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3 hours ago, PeterHG said:

I am at 298 for the Netherlands, but it took me half a century to get there ;) ! 


Only 270 for me here in Austria!

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pedro maia
Posted (edited)

W738 African jacana (Actophilornis africanus)


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pedro maia
Posted (edited)

W739 Emerald-spotted dove (Turtur chalcospilos)


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pedro maia
Posted (edited)

That´s it from Kruger, a very modest total of lifers, we visited the Blyde River Canyon, where birds were really scarse, and got a few (very few) more species in our hotel grounds in Graskop, where the weather was quite poor.


W740 Common bulbul (Pycnonotus barbatus)


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pedro maia
Posted (edited)

W741 Amethyst sunbird (Chalcomitra amethystina)


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pedro maia
Posted (edited)

W742 African dusky flycatcher (Muscicapa adusta)


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pedro maia

Only 25 lifers and a total of 70 species for the whole trip, not great, but as I said birds weren´t the purpose of the trip, and we had other very cool sightings.
















And I finally saw Dogs!!



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Very cool sightings!

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I’m glad the non-avian wildlife did not disappoint! Great pictures of both the small and the big creatures!

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70 is very low for the Kruger - you must have been actively NOT looking for them @pedro maia :P

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Great you finally saw the Dogs Pedro - now I can stop feeling guilty about them when I do. :D


Very cool Zebra portrait!

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pedro maia

Thanks for the comments.

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pedro maia
19 hours ago, Tdgraves said:

70 is very low for the Kruger - you must have been actively NOT looking for them @pedro maia :P

In my defense we stayed only 4 nights there, 2 in KNP and 2 at Manyeleti Game Reserve.;).

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pedro maia
19 hours ago, michael-ibk said:

Great you finally saw the Dogs Pedro - now I can stop feeling guilty about them when I do. :D


Very cool Zebra portrait!

I think I don’t believe in that guilty feeling:P.

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Now you are hurting my feelings! ;)

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pedro maia

So far this year  I haven´t done much birding here in Portugal, in February I went to the Alentejo to see the cranes before they left.





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pedro maia
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Last month I got the first new species for Portugal, first one I had already seen but couldn´t take a picture:


P309, W743 Common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)


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pedro maia
Posted (edited)

And the second, a real rarity here, so far there were only 14 records accepted by the rarities comitee but suddenly more than 15 were seen in different spots, most of them in the Lisbon area:


P310, W744 Wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix)




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Interesting which birds are tough in Portugal. While neither is too common here they are not a real challenge. Having said that i will probably fail finding one this year! :) Is Common Redstart not breeding in Portugal?

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pedro maia

Common Redstart isn´t rare and breeds here, but it´s not the easiest species to see.

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pedro maia
Posted (edited)

A couple of new species from last weekend in the Pyrinees:


W745 Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)







We have them here, even close to where I live, but I never saw it.

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pedro maia
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W746 Citril finch (Carduelis citrinella)


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