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Unlimited fun with Unlimited Tours on a Mobile Safari - 4Rivers at Kwando plus Vic Falls excitement - Green season January 2024


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Posted (edited)

We did not waste any time on our early sundowner as Kelvin wanted to ensure we were with the dogs if they got moving.

They slowly got active after about 20-30 minutes.


There were some meet-and-greets and wake-up calls.

What I remember most is the excited noises of the dogs as they were getting ready to hunt, I could not believe I was witnessing this, it was amazing to see.

The whole pack of 21 dogs were ready for action.

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Is it that time already.

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Come on guys lets do this :) 

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The pale dog seemed to be the lead and best hunter and often took charge.

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Distinctive pale colour.

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Posted (edited)

The next 2 hours was the most exciting experience I have ever had on Safari.

Kelvin followed those dogs as best he could until it got too dark we were often driving fast in pursuit of the dogs.

They had quite a few opportunities to make a kill but we did not witness one, but it was not for lack of trying.

They chased lechwe in the water, reedbuck were to evasive and the Giraffe, Zebra and Roan seemed way to big.


Too strong!

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Too big!

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What do you think - shall we try?

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Posted (edited)

Things started to get more serious and the chase was on :)  - it was like being in a movie.

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Too big?

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Wonderful light

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Chasing Lechwe through the water.

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The main huntress :) 

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I am unsure how the dogs select which Lechwe to chase as they ran straight past some Lechwe they had surrounded :( 

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The main hunter must of caught something as you can see blood on her throat :) 

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I-Phone photo's.

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We ended up leaving the pack when it was very dark - what a way to finish the day on a magnificent Wild dog hunt :) 

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2 hours ago, Hads said:

@madaboutcheetahare the Sable not so common in the Green season?

@AfricIanso glad you have re-joined, I better get this report finished.


@HadsProbably only during an extended dry spell in the green season - Sable being more woodland antelope have enough water in the pans in the mopane and tend to stay in there ........ 

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Posted (edited)

A few random photo's from that night :) 

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Camp Managers were great with the kids - Mike and Bonnie teaching a game.

4Rivers game drive 3 dinner 6.jpeg


4Rivers game drive 3 dinner.jpeg

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Posted (edited)

A few extra pics from Wild dog evening.

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Herd of Roan in the sunset

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Posted (edited)

Our last full day on Safari, I had been discussing other area's of the Kwara region with Kelvin.

He asked if we would like to head out to the Tsum Tsum area.

First up though we went to try find the dogs, no such luck apparently they have headed towards further east.

It was a beautiful drive though with plenty of water crossings, no shortage of Lechwe.

We did see more Sable and Roan, but for some reason I can't locate the photo's :(.

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Unlucky frog

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Majestic male water buck.

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Ground Hornbill

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Posted (edited)

After a fantastic morning we arrived back to camp with a lovely surprise in our room.

Kwando staff had put on a wonderful treat just before lunch :D.


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Posted (edited)

I am not sure if I mentioned earlier but we were the only tourists in camp and we felt like royalty.

The down side to this is that on game drives you are the only one's out in the bush limiting the amount of eye's out looking for game.


Our afternoon was also very pleasant but the dogs and Cats eluded us again (we did get spoilt the day before :) ).

Mike (the camp manager) told Kelvin that there had been a herd of buffalo spotted at the new airstrip getting built, we went in search of them but the Mopane was very thick and we could not locate them.

We had more water crossings and crossed through some beautiful open plains.

To our wonderful surprise the Kwando staff had put on a sensational sundowner for us near a stunning water hole, what a magic way to finish our last day in the bush.


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We did have a special sighting closer to camp - a small python and we also saw a couple of Hyena walking close to camp.

4Rivers game DRIVE 5 NIGHT.jpeg

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I hope you didn’t rush to carry on the report on my account @Hads😉
Watching (& listening) to a large pack of dogs as they wake, greet & reacquaint themselves, play & then head off hunting must be the best way to “while away a few hours” there is!

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It's good the lion shots and "getting bogged in shots" did not overlap.  Kids at sunset (or sunrise) photo is lovely.  All of your family shots are brochure quality!


We all felt like we were in a movie on the dog hunt.  That lead dog is such a beautiful muted color.  You got dogs in the midst, in the sun, then the sunset, in a row, on the hunt, through the meadows, even engaged in greeting.  The dogs and giraffe shot is almost comical for the discrepancy in size.  What a repertoire.


Roan and sable, both a treat.


Nice job on the knob-nosed duck taking off.  Flock of flying ground hornbills, wow!

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John M.

   Awesome collection. I especially like the lechwe herd in the green landscape. The older I get, the more appealing are the 'atmospheric' images for want of a better word.

   For me, fewer eyes in a vehicle were often an upside😊

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wonderful trip @Hads it looks like great fun!

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I very much enjoyed following your great trip report  @Hadswhat a treat especially for your kids; they will not forget it. 


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More splendid stuff. I can imagine how thrilling that Wild Dog hunt must have been. Such a great report!

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@HadsWhat wonderful experience for your family!  It will be interesting for your wife and you to see what kind of inspiration your kids get from this trip and where it takes them…studies, travel and more.

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Posted (edited)

Thanks to everyone for following along, @AfricIan, @Africalover, @michael-ibk, @Peter Connan, @John M., @Athene, @madaboutcheetah, @Atravelynn, @marg, @ElenaH, @KaliCA. @Towlersonsafariand @Alex The Lion

@John M.it was very nice with just my family in the vehicle, there may have been potential extra sightings if there was another safari vehicle or 2 with other gusts out and about :) .

@michael-ibkthe wild dog hunt/chase was very special.

@margall my kids thoroughly enjoy going on Safari, especially my 2 boys. My youngest boy especially loves birding, we will often go out in the afternoon looking for native birds, last night he actually rescued an injured Nankeen Kestrel and took it to a local wildlife carer.

I will set him up with a Big year in birding page soon to join everyone else on here :) 

Time to finish this report.

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Posted (edited)

Our last night  was extraordinary in camp, we had a great meal and all the staff came out and joined us and entertained us with plenty of songs and dances.

They had all my family up dancing away, we had a great time.


Our final morning we decided to go on a more leisurely Mokoro ride with Kelvin, BB and Mike (Camp Manager).

On our way we followed some lion spoor but could not locate them.

However it was a wonderful way to finish off our Magical family Safari.


Outdoor shower

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4Rivers game drive 6 morning 1.jpeg

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Posted (edited)

Mokoro Trip

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Lilly pad Hat

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Reed Frog

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Drinking water through the reeds which act like a filter (I hope)

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Reed Necklace

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Posted (edited)

A few photo's on our way back to camp after a lovely Mokoro ride.

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Thanks to everyone who followed along, I hope you all enjoyed the report.

If anyone has any questions about the mobile Safari with Unlimited tours or the 4Rivers camp with Kwando I am happy to answer them.

I highly recommend both companies and our fantastic guides (Joster with Unlimited and Kelvin at Kwando).


Bye for now.

4Rivers game drive 6 leaving 3.jpeg

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@Hads- Thanks again for writing this report and glad you guys had a fabulous family holiday!! 

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Thanks @madaboutcheetah- we definately had a wonderful trip, many fantastic memories made :) 

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What a brilliant doggie feast you had! they're always special. and you saw 3 of my most favourite antelopes - sable, roan and kudu - all in a single trip. Thanks for taking the time to do the TR - never fails to awaken the desire to go back to Botswana in the green season - so many places to go, and too little time (and funds!) to do so. 

Glad your kids had a great time!

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Peter Connan

I guess the worst thing about a holiday is that they always end. I am sad that this one had to end because I really enjoyed your telling of it.

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