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Posted (edited)

Next onto Moss Landing to see the sea otters and of course the birds. There were some more lifers to boot.


Moss Landing, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/3200


53744261344_43f02621ac_k.jpg015A7828 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53744123523_db38465e2a_k.jpg015A7835 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53744127963_cdd72bcae3_k.jpg015A8417 by tdgraves, on Flickr


347) Surf scoter (also seen in Pacific Grove)

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Moss Landing, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 500, f7.1, 1/2500, EV -2/3


53744123913_c9f97cc87f_k.jpg015A7971 by tdgraves, on Flickr


348) Pigeon guillemot

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Moss Landing, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 800, f7.1, 1/2500


53743010372_f16104c7a8_k.jpg015A7908 by tdgraves, on Flickr


349) Western grebe

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Moss Landing, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 500, f7.1, 1/3200, EV -2/3


53744123833_fbf6a3bc22_k.jpg015A7942 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53743010462_b9cb181607_k.jpg015A7939 by tdgraves, on Flickr


350) Red-necked grebe

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I've also written that we saw 2 snowy plovers, but I can't find any photos....

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Moss Landing, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 500, f7.1, 1/3200


53743011622_7757d5feca_k.jpg015A8159 by tdgraves, on Flickr


351) Caspian tern

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Moss Landing, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/2000, EV +2/3


53744266399_14d838985c_k.jpg015A8439 by tdgraves, on Flickr


352) Forster's tern

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Moss Landing, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 800, f7.1, 1/2500


53744266069_c91101c30b_k.jpg015A8429 by tdgraves, on Flickr


353) Western sandpiper

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Moss Landing, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/1000, EV -1/3


53744355505_92237957d9_k.jpg015A8466 by tdgraves, on Flickr


354) Least sandpiper

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Posted (edited)

Moss Landing, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 640, f7.1, 1/2000


53744356470_259636b63c_k.jpg015A8503 by tdgraves, on Flickr


355) Long-billed curlew

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Moss Landing, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/1250


53743015042_48b55cf6cf_k.jpg015A8444 by tdgraves, on Flickr


356) Whimbrel

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Moss Landing, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/1600


53744267149_25fbfd5a1a_k.jpg015A8454 by tdgraves, on Flickr


357) Marbled godwit

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Moss Landing, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/1250


53744355880_3e3aa3228a_k.jpg015A8481 by tdgraves, on Flickr


358) Willet

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Moss Landing, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 640, f7.1, 1/2000


53744130573_8dd47a6d15_k.jpg015A8517 by tdgraves, on Flickr


359) Semi-palmated plover

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Moss Landing, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/1250


53744267704_e34276942b_k.jpg015A8469 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53744125948_c22472b96f_k.jpg015A8256 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53744264579_86f52e54bc_k.jpg015A8306 by tdgraves, on Flickr


360) Great Northern diver

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Peter Connan

That really is a long bill isn't it?

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Great batch, most of which would have been lifers for me. Yes, an incredible difference in bill length between long-billed curlew and whimbrel.

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23 minutes ago, Peter Connan said:

That really is a long bill isn't it?

Ridiculously so!


thanks @PeterHG

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You did really well in California (and yes it is a very long bill!)

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3 hours ago, TonyQ said:

You did really well in California (and yes it is a very long bill!)

Thanks Tony, still a couple left I think...

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1 hour ago, Tdgraves said:

Thanks Tony, still a couple left I think...

Or just one, as it turns out...


San Mateo, California, USA, 27/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 800, f6.3, 1/1000, EV +1


53741965827_f7deb0eb5e_k.jpg015A8546 by tdgraves, on Flickr


361) Bewick's wren

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Back to the UK, where the summer has been awful so far.


RSPB Ouse Fen, 2/6/24


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1250, f7.1, 1/8000


53861185241_65dc649745_k.jpgD14I0171-Enhanced-NR by tdgraves, on Flickr


RSPB Ouse Fen, 16/6/24


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 3200, f5.6, 1/1250


53795732885_cd14accf9d_k.jpgD14I0772 by tdgraves, on Flickr


362) Common cuckoo

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My garden, Cambridgeshire, 10/6/24


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1000, f7.1, 1/1250


53823343151_ceb8fda13d_k.jpgD14I0589 by tdgraves, on Flickr


363) Song thrush

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RSPB Ouse Fen, Cambridgeshire, 16/6/24


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 3200, f5.6, 1/2000, EV +1


53861598780_ca65aa6591_k.jpgD14I0690-Enhanced-NR by tdgraves, on Flickr


364) Eurasian hobby

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