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On 7/7/2024 at 9:14 PM, PeterHG said:

Your USA collection is increasing steadily. I’m sorry you did not get your roadrunner. I never realized American White Pelicans were such skulkers;)

They were thermalling and by the time I got my phone out (which is not a zoom lens), had got even higher....

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We broke our journey across California in the central valley winelands. The following morning we visited a botanical garden. The ocean mist was very slow to clear but it was nice to have a walk after yesterdays' long drive. The first one is actually a lifer. We did see one on our Denver bird trip, but this photo is better.


San Luis Obispo Botanic Garden, California, USA. 25/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 2000, f5.6, 1/5000


53756554097_5a1d6e0f90_k.jpg015A7371 by tdgraves, on Flickr


331) Downy woodpecker

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This one was also a life this year. I got a terrible iPhone shot in March, which I did not post


San Luis Obispo Botanic Garden, California, USA, 25/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1250, f7.1, 1/3200


53757788869_d23f7abc99_k.jpg015A7341 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53757664113_3a0189b3d2_k.jpg015A7336 by tdgraves, on Flickr


and a not much better back end, from San Mateo, 27/4/24


53743219199_8cfa57787a_k.jpg015A8563 by tdgraves, on Flickr


332) White-tailed kite

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San Luis Obispo Botanic Garden, California, USA, 25/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/2500, EV +1 1/3


53756554672_10aedd1415_k.jpg015A7394 by tdgraves, on Flickr


333) Western bluebird (juvenile)

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San Luis Obispo Botanic Garden, California, USA, 25/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 2000, f5.6, 1/500, EV +1 1/3


53757463626_936cb75b21_k.jpg015A7433 by tdgraves, on Flickr


334) California scrub-jay

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San Luis Obispo Botanic Garden, California, USA, 25/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 2000, f7.1, 1/1600, EV + 2/3


53755679773_5cb7cdf924_k.jpg015A7237 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53755483441_8214f056db_k.jpg015A7235 by tdgraves, on Flickr


335) Turkey vulture

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San Luis Obispo Botanic Garden, California, USA, 25/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1000, f7.1, 1/1000


53757880395_1c8b441941_k.jpg015A7460 by tdgraves, on Flickr


336) Black phoebe

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San Luis Obispo Botanic Garden, California, USA, 25/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 800, f7.1, 1/800


53757878935_2901283946_k.jpg015A7414 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53757879805_083d702894_k.jpg015A7425 by tdgraves, on Flickr


337) California quail

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Beautiful Quail photos, and excellent Turkey Vulture

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Thanks @TonyQ

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agree on the beautiful quails. 

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Thanks Kit

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Zim Girl

Another vote for those very pretty quail.

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25 minutes ago, Zim Girl said:

Another vote for those very pretty quail.

+1  !

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We then drove up and across to Monterey bay, where we got a couple more lifers!


Pacific Grove, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 800, f7.1, 1/2500


53757457161_5fb008aa22_k.jpg015A7709 by tdgraves, on Flickr


338) Pelagic cormorant

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Pacific Grove, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 500, f7.1, 1/1250


53756551747_3619d34b4f_k.jpg015A7750 by tdgraves, on Flickr


339) Red-breasted merganser

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and some we have seen before. Luckily the marine layer burnt off quickly today (we were feeling quite despondent over breakfast...)


Pacific Grove, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1000, f7.1, 1/1250


53757869080_2062690930_k.jpg015A7529 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53756547882_9c6a640184_k.jpg015A7605 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53756551262_d3a14ce0f3_k.jpg015A7731 by tdgraves, on Flickr


340) Brandt's cormorant

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Pacific Grove, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 250, f7.1, 1/800


53757870520_1d0a34324a_k.jpg015A7591 by tdgraves, on Flickr


341) Feral pigeon

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Pacific Grove, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 500, f7.1, 1/2500


53757871360_b363eb69f9_k.jpg015A7612 by tdgraves, on Flickr


343) Black oystercatcher

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Pacific Grove, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 320, f7.1, 1/800


53757662718_7c8af2bf2d_k.jpg015A7781 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53757663033_ec45e030e7_k.jpg015A7794 by tdgraves, on Flickr


344) White-crowned sparrow

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Pacific Grove, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 500, f7.1, 1/1600


53757875895_c92f12dd55_k.jpg015A7809 by tdgraves, on Flickr


345) Anna's hummingbird

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Pacific Grove, California, USA, 26/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 500, f7.1, 1/640


53756548387_721a334373_k.jpg015A7629 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53757871695_580e32667b_k.jpg015A7631 by tdgraves, on Flickr


346) American crow

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