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Longmont, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 2000, f5.6, 1/2000, EV + 1 2/3


53815613571_44c9ed20ff_k.jpg015A6345 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53815612876_ac59f5c2fe_k.jpg015A6320 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53815852193_eb6b89ee59_k.jpg015A6322 by tdgraves, on Flickr


299) Swainson's hawk

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Boulder Mountain Park, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 800, f5.6, 1/640


53782803970_5d0169b11f_k.jpg015A5981 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53782709709_fe5616e1b4_k.jpg015A6009 by tdgraves, on Flickr


300) Hairy woodpecker

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Congratulations on reaching 300th Bird of the Year, Tracy! And it was still in April, so by summer you might double the count.

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1 hour ago, xelas said:

Congratulations on reaching 300th Bird of the Year, Tracy! And it was still in April, so by summer you might double the count.

Not a hope!

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Congrats on the triple century! The snow makes for an attractive background with the woodpecker! 

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1 hour ago, PeterHG said:

Congrats on the triple century! The snow makes for an attractive background with the woodpecker! 

A good Christmas card I thought…

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Well done on reaching 300. Some really interesting birds from the US

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Thanks @TonyQmany more to come….

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From woodpeckers in the snow to hummingbirds in the snow - very unexpected!

Meadow Park, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1600, f7.1, 1/1250


53815942914_135ae0600f_k.jpg015A6139 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53815944579_4652d77b25_k.jpg015A6191 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53815849993_5ed19fe4f7_k.jpg015A6153 by tdgraves, on Flickr


301) Broad-tailed hummingbird

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We also had a brief glimpse of a sharp-shinned hawk and a violet-green swallow, but no photos. 19 lifers in one day - pretty good.

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congrats on the 300th and an enjoyable set of birds. Those shots of the pygmy nuthatch amid the snow were so pretty. 

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 4000, f5.6, 1/3200


53808340876_4e75724f91_h.jpg015A5475 by tdgraves, on Flickr


302) Tree swallow

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 4000, f5.6, 1/4000


53808670164_1b9ce1a3b0_h.jpg015A5596 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53807410697_2ebaeec64d_h.jpg015A5499 by tdgraves, on Flickr


302) Northern rough-winged swallow

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 3200, f5.6, 1/800


53808582838_fad7d1d527_h.jpg015A5516 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53808582913_2dfa8e8e75_h.jpg015A5517 by tdgraves, on Flickr


303) American barn swallow

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 3200, f5.6, 1/8000


53807411447_762d86b148_h.jpg015A5526 by tdgraves, on Flickr


304) Ring-billed gull

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 2000, f5.6, 1/1000, EV+2


53807411977_4df8752a8b_h.jpg015A5552 by tdgraves, on Flickr


305) Yellow-rumped warbler (Audobon's)

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 2000, f5.6, 1/1600, EV+1 1/3


53808584528_0c03d008ae_h.jpg015A5579 by tdgraves, on Flickr


306) Blue jay

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 2000, f5.6, 1/1250, EV+1 1/3


53808671414_cff2999471_h.jpg015A5646 by tdgraves, on Flickr


307) Chipping sparrow

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1600, f5.6, 1/1250


53808346746_f4ea30ff16_h.jpg015A5703 by tdgraves, on Flickr


308) Common grackle

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 2000, f5.6, 1/1600


53807416677_6c4686751b_h.jpg015A5717 by tdgraves, on Flickr


309) Song sparrow

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 3200, f5.6, 1/800


53808587123_8dff04830a_h.jpg015A5668 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53808672434_fe0a62efa3_h.jpg015A5684 by tdgraves, on Flickr


310) American robin

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1250, f5.6, 1/1600


53807415892_f7ee13820c_h.jpg015A5686 by tdgraves, on Flickr


311) Common goldeneye

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1600, f5.6, 1/2500, EV + 1 2/3


53808589403_e133f304ec_h.jpg015A5754 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53808351081_9d5791dc31_k.jpg015A5741 by tdgraves, on Flickr


312) Double-crested cormorant

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 2000, f5.6, 1/1600


53808784890_14c1542407_h.jpg015A5738 by tdgraves, on Flickr


313) Great blue heron

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Colorado, USA, 19/4/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1600, f5.6, 1/800, EV +1


53807419937_218447a591_h.jpg015A5846 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53808674164_9b5d1b1cce_h.jpg015A5746 by tdgraves, on Flickr


314) Red-winged blackbird

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