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RSPB Ouse Fen, Cambridgeshire, 11/5/24


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1250, f7.1, 1/5000, EV +1


53720803878_610255f48d_k.jpgD14I9382-Enhanced-NR by tdgraves, on Flickr


248) Common shelduck

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My garden, Cambridgeshire, 12/5/24


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 2000, f5.6, 1/400, EV +1


53735874252_4a1cbe9d9e_k.jpgD14I9429 by tdgraves, on Flickr


249) Eurasian chaffinch


P.S. Seconds later, I was trying to take a picture of it drinking from a water feature when my cat caught it :angry: not the one who is usually a hunter either! Luckily I was able to save it..... 

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RSPB Ouse Fen, Cambridgeshire, 18/5/24


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1250, f7.1, 1/3200, EV +1


53733688705_7234d7a4ab_h.jpgD14I9907 by tdgraves, on Flickr


251) Common swift

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RSPB Ouse Fen, Cambridgeshire, 18/5/24


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1250, f5.6, 1/1000


53733465713_31b40b6336_h.jpgD14I9944 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53733689210_c5112cc282_h.jpgD14I9937 by tdgraves, on Flickr


252) Common linnet

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RSPB Ouse Fen, Cambridgeshire, 18/5/24


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1600, f7.1, 1/3200, EV+1


53732335232_cd772db89d_h.jpgD14I9979 by tdgraves, on Flickr


253) Stock dove

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There was much excitement at the local reserve in the middle of the month as it seemed this rare visitor turned up, a lifer for me. It is still around and consequently, I don't get the reserve to myself anymore!! It's been really cloudy every time I've tried and his patch is also a way off of the path, so the photos are distant


RSPB Ouse Fen, Cambridgeshire, 18/5/24


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1250, f7.1, 1/2000, EV+1


53731926171_07fce9575c_k.jpgD14I9880-Enhanced-NR by tdgraves, on Flickr


53732256134_d752a9c754_k.jpgD14I9860-Enhanced-NR by tdgraves, on Flickr


254) Great reed warbler

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That's me up to date for the UK up until the end of May, but here are a few duplicates, including another bittern!


53698468230_4ae825e5b8_k.jpgD14I9008-Enhanced-NR by tdgraves, on Flickr


53697037432_f832e6f445_k.jpgD14I8909-2-Enhanced-NR by tdgraves, on Flickr


53698654780_04b96d351e_k.jpgD14I8983 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53713795448_736afe1e95_k.jpgD14I9066 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53713965199_ee4b9c6e75_k.jpgD14I9122-Enhanced-NR by tdgraves, on Flickr


53713583501_369ee2eb66_k.jpgD14I9158 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53713962459_502aaecc64_k.jpgD14I9197 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53713839913_7e05150dbd_k.jpgD14I9223 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53717988305_6f1d2bd692_k.jpgD14I9338 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53720598911_aa67cc07db_k.jpgD14I9370-Enhanced-NR by tdgraves, on Flickr


53719684687_10ec56f8fe_k.jpgD14I9413-Enhanced-NR by tdgraves, on Flickr


53737182565_2c57dcd13a_k.jpgD14I9497-Enhanced-NR by tdgraves, on Flickr


53737092899_e41af435f7_k.jpgD14I9619-Enhanced-NR by tdgraves, on Flickr


53737000598_9fd57dea01_k.jpgD14I9640 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53730961192_7e6eed9480_k.jpgD14I9832-Enhanced-NR by tdgraves, on Flickr


53730960487_626bb30e05_k.jpgD14I0087 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53730960862_5bc91d15ff_h.jpgD14I0136 by tdgraves, on Flickr

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Excellent photos in your duplicates and some special ones in your additions! I'll take your word for the black tern....;)

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Wow  you've been busy these last weeks! Congrats on racing past #200, many beautiful photos along the way!

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Thanks @PeterHG and @michael-ibk - trying to make up for my lassitude until now!!

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Peter Connan

Great birds and wonderful photos! Total is climbing rapidly.

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lovely silhouettes in the golden light.  

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Thanks Peter and Kit

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We had a very short last minute trip to San Francisco in March, in very sad circumstances, due to a family bereavement. I didn't take a camera, as I didn't think we'd be out and about, but we had a couple of dog walks. I discovered that taking bird photos on an iPhone is virtually impossible. It is really hard to get them in the frame and there is absolutely no point in trying to zoom in as the IQ is awful. Anyway, a couple that I haven't got elsewhere, so I am posting them!

Belmont slough, Redwood Shores, California. 7/3/24. This would be an excellent spot to return to with a decent camera and without a determined dog to walk! 


iPhone 12 pro


53777236896_246f3d89a2_k.jpgIMG_1947 by tdgraves, on Flickr


255) Canvasback (a lifer)

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Belmont slough, Redwood Shores, California. 7/3/24. 


iPhone 12 pro


53777349571_ffea350986_k.jpgIMG_1960 by tdgraves, on Flickr


256) Ring-necked duck

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Belmont slough, Redwood Shores, California. 7/3/24. 


iPhone 12 pro


53777237496_e0326f564a_k.jpgIMG_1955 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53776431157_ed4f7fd0d1_k.jpgIMG_1956 by tdgraves, on Flickr


257) Clark's grebe

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Belmont slough, Redwood Shores, California. 7/3/24. 


iPhone 12 pro


53777237346_b1a2d473bf_k.jpgIMG_1953 by tdgraves, on Flickr


258) American avocet

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Belmont slough, Redwood Shores, California. 7/3/24. 


iPhone 12 pro


53777770290_6a0f9dd69c_k.jpgIMG_1970 by tdgraves, on Flickr


269) Savannah sparrow

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Posted (edited)

We managed 25 species in an hour and a half, but the rest of the photos are so awful, I can't ID them, even though I know what we saw! Several I got during our scheduled trip in April, although I thought I had a black-necked stilt in the bag, but no.  I learnt from this day though and the next day I borrowed my brother-in-laws R3 and a mark I 100-400. It's been years since I used that lens and I was really struck at how slow it is at focussing. However, all much better than the iPhone ones above!!


San Mateo, California, 8/3/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark I, ISO 800, f7.1, 1/3200


53642276367_b96e827822_k.jpg001A0201 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53643157636_b2cab229b6_k.jpg001A0209 by tdgraves, on Flickr


270) Ruby-crowned kinglet

Edited by Tdgraves
extra photo
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San Mateo, California, 9/3/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark I, ISO 2500, f5.6, 1/1000


53643371388_4e9ade589a_k.jpg001A0267 by tdgraves, on Flickr


271) Hermit thrush (a lifer)

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San Mateo, California, 8/3/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark I, ISO 1600, f5.6, 1/3200


53643157776_0bd2aa8760_k.jpg001A0232 by tdgraves, on Flickr


272) Chestnut-backed chickadee

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Posted (edited)

San Mateo, California, 8/3/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark I, ISO 2500, f5.6, 1/400


53643618685_3efb1eef96_k.jpg001A0244 by tdgraves, on Flickr


273) Dark-eyed junco (Oregon)

Edited by Tdgraves
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San Mateo, California, 9/3/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark I, ISO 2000, f5.6, 1/5000


53642277407_4adc72c029_k.jpg001A0252 by tdgraves, on Flickr


274) Mourning dove

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Santa Cruz State Beach, California, 9/3/24


Canon R3, 100-400 mark I, ISO 1000, f7.1, 1/2500, EV +1


53642277807_373d76dc3f_k.jpg001A0274 by tdgraves, on Flickr


275) Red-tailed hawk

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