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Green Season with Alwyn Myburg - Moremi Game Reserve

Alex The Lion

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@Alex The LionLooks like you had another great trip.  Excellent photos.  The green season is certainly different than October when we were there.  Give my best to Alwyn next time you talk to him!!!  

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Hi @Alex The Lion, I love the photo of you getting bogged, it would of been a very interesting night stuck on the vehicle.

We got bogged twice in Moremi but managed to get out after an hour or so.

It is a pity we did not get to catch up in the delta, hopefully next time.

Looking forward to following your trip report, your photos are amazing.

I will start mine once I complete the Kruger report.

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Alex The Lion
On 2/13/2024 at 7:39 AM, soleson said:

@Alex The LionLooks like you had another great trip.  Excellent photos.  The green season is certainly different than October when we were there.  Give my best to Alwyn next time you talk to him!!!  


Thanks @solesonit was good. Alwyn and I spoke a lot about our trip in October 2022. It was tough photographically and the heat meant that compared to this trip, the predators were not active until after dark!


The dog sequence was one of those lucky situations where so many variables came together. That one photo made the whole trip.


If you remember the area at the top end of Gomoti, most of that is now dry and it looks like a mini Duba Plains.


Will pass on my regards.

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Alex The Lion
3 hours ago, Hads said:

Hi @Alex The Lion, I love the photo of you getting bogged, it would of been a very interesting night stuck on the vehicle.

We got bogged twice in Moremi but managed to get out after an hour or so.

It is a pity we did not get to catch up in the delta, hopefully next time.

Looking forward to following your trip report, your photos are amazing.

I will start mine once I complete the Kruger report.


Thanks @Hads. You guys had some of the heavy rain to contend with, whereas it had dried out by the time I got there.


Did you catch up with the 4 cheetah? They disappeared on us!


Getting stuck is part of the game. We couldn't jack ourselves high enough/collect enough before sunset. Trust us to get stuck so far from an island.

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Morning @Alex The Lion, yes on our transfer to Kasane to Khwai (we decided to keep to plan and drive and not fly due to costs + it gave us an opportunity for a long game drive) but the heavens opened at different times and we had lots of rain the first couple of days. We missed the 4 cheetah as well but saw a single cheetah in xini.

I think all the safari vehicle's should invest in MaxTrax recovery tracks instead of looking for old logs :)  - it does add to the fun though.

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On 2/12/2024 at 11:24 AM, Alex The Lion said:

Sunset over the winding waters of the Delta.

How did you make a aerial shots? Are you allowed to use drone as a licensed filmmaker?

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Alex The Lion
4 hours ago, ElenaH said:

How did you make a aerial shots? Are you allowed to use drone as a licensed filmmaker?


That image was with Heli Horizons.

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6 hours ago, Alex The Lion said:

That image was with Heli Horizons.

Or, really? They fly so late? I am thinking to take a Heli-flight in September and was wondering what time they start and end. They need to come back during the light hours as far as I understand.

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Alex The Lion

They keep birds in the Delta around certain camps that means you don't have to return to Maun. There is also a bird located at Jacks camp on a permanent basis.

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12 hours ago, Alex The Lion said:

They keep birds in the Delta around certain camps that means you don't have to return to Maun. There is also a bird located at Jacks camp on a permanent basis.

But you were staying in Moremi so, they picked you up in Xakanaxa airstrip?

When they are located in some airstrips around delta and can stay there overnight then it is a different story :-)

Hope, to see more photos. Your photos has a kind of deep saturation but they are not oversaturated, just a deep nice colour. Very cinematic. Waiting for more

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Alex The Lion



You can pay for a pilot to overnight at a camp in Xakanaxa, or anywhere in the Delta for that matter. It's just becomes prohibitively expensive.

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4 hours ago, Alex The Lion said:

You can pay for a pilot to overnight at a camp in Xakanaxa, or anywhere in the Delta for that matter. It's just becomes prohibitively expensive.

Yes, that is what I thought. Better to take a flight from Maun. In any case I need to check it out

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Don't forget - flying from Maun will mean spending 10 minutes of your 60 minutes flying over town and the urban zone ..... 

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Alex The Lion
4 hours ago, madaboutcheetah said:

Don't forget - flying from Maun will mean spending 10 minutes of your 60 minutes flying over town and the urban zone ..... 

@madaboutcheetahYou are a good 15 minutes before you reach open flooded areas too. So that leaves you only 30 minutes of decent flying time.


@ElenaHThe southern end of the Delta has smaller channels running through more wooded areas.

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Alex The Lion

Hunting Dog in B&W, a little more gritty than the colour version.




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Lovely photo of the wild dog, thanks @Alex The Lion

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fascinating fly-camping experience, compliments of the vehicle hiccup. Your goal of soft and subtle photography is achieved and then some.  Rich, captivating shots!

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Alex The Lion

Thanks @Hadsand @AtravelynnSadly the real is keeping me away from further editing!


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We can wait. Loving it so far.

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  • 4 months later...
Alex The Lion

An dog from the Bodumatau pack, this was taken long after sunset. We had shared this sighting with @stevelumpkin




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  • 1 month later...
Alex The Lion

Kids are back at school, time for a little editing. This image is a more abstract image of the Delta.



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On 7/12/2024 at 10:03 PM, Alex The Lion said:

An dog from the Bodumatau pack, this was taken long after sunset.



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Alex The Lion
6 hours ago, John M. said:




Thanks, @John M.. Sometimes you get lucky.


The 15 -20 minutes after sunset has become my favourite time to photograph in many cases. It can give a gritty mood to your images. All made possible thanks to the revolution in sensor technology.


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4 hours ago, Alex The Lion said:


Thanks, @John M.. Sometimes you get lucky.


The 15 -20 minutes after sunset has become my favourite time to photograph in many cases. It can give a gritty mood to your images. All made possible thanks to the revolution in sensor technology.


   Understood. Even before the "revolution", I didn't reject unfashionable times of day out of hand. They could deliver a mood or atmosphere relevant to my objective.

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Peter Connan
On 9/6/2024 at 12:04 PM, Alex The Lion said:

Kids are back at school, time for a little editing. This image is a more abstract image of the Delta.




I love this shot. The delta is very special from the air. For those who have not done it, I would highly recommend a flight from Maun, even though it has become rather expensive.

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