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Michael's Ninth Year


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455/N172) African Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) / Pharaonenibis


Avis Dam, 7/6. The only sighting. Another bird that will very rarely find its way in birders' favourites lists.


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456/N173) African Spoonbill (Platalea alba) / Rotgesichtlöffler


Avis Dam, 7/6. The only sighting. It is probably nomadic throughout most of range, moving in response to local rainfall. Ringing results show some movements of several hundred kilometres, including from Transvaal to Zambia.


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457/N174) Black-winged Kite (Elanus caeruleus) / Gleitaar


Avis Dam, 7/6. Always a cool bird to see! Nomadic, ranging widely throughout its extensive range, in search of conditions supporting abundant prey; often travels long distances, and even crosses equator, e.g. from Transvaal (South Africa) to Malawi and Uganda.


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458/N175) Yellow Canary (Crithagra flaviventris) / Gelbbauchgirlitz


River Crossing Lodge, 8/6. The only sighting. Which is surprising since it's supposedly a common bird in its range.


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459/N176) Rosy-faced Lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis) / Rosenköpfchen


River Crossing Lodge, 8/6. Lifer, and quite an easy one. Common in Namibia. Nests in rock crevices although it also utilizes nests of Sociable Weaver and even buildings (like the lodge here) and bridges.


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Namibia_3773_Rosy-faced Lovebird-Bearbeitet.jpg
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A good bird to conclude the Namiba list - that's it.


Full ebird Trip report with all locations here. In total I recorded 203 species, 27 of them lifers. Quite a few were (except a few not presented here) doubles from Oman and Europe (mainly Waders, Egrets, Terns, and other water-based birds, but also two Dove species and Cinnamon-breasted Bunting. And Feral Pigeon and House Sparrow of course).


My most imporant fail was probably Rüppel's Parrot, a bird I had pretty much counted on. (Alex saw one.)

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A very good collection of Namibia birds, Michael, with many excellent photos. 27 lifers is not bad at all! 

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27 lifers is still a good count, considering how many times you've been to Africa. Love that series of the adult feeding the chick! and a cute bird to end the beautiful Namibia series on.  

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Congratulations for your Namibia count! Both numbers (176 and 203) shows your higher birding skills. Now on to Botswana duel 😁.

Edited by xelas
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Lovely collection of Namibia birds, 27 lifers sounds really good to me!

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An excellent total from Namibia, and the overall total is coming on very well.

Lovely photos, and the Lovebird is a fine one to finish on!

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pedro maia

A very healthy Namibia count Michael, congrats on several 100s and with great pictures, I´m looking forward sor the TR and your impressions on Namibia.

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Well done. A very worthy effort and overall result.

Had to smile at the Burned neck Eronomela. If it had not been for the bright eye it would be an impossible shot.

Again of the eBird naming I have to add Eastern Paradise Whydah to the list of daft names. There are few places further west before you hit the Atlantic. But to be fair that is the name used by my old copy of Sinclair and Ryan and the overall African distribution is predominantly the east side.


Sad you missed a few specials, (did I see a Ruppell's Koorhan listed?) but a good reason to go back for more.

Now about that Trip report!!


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A lovely selection of "Waxbil-sized" birds and a lovely photo of the Puffback with it's spider.

A great list of birds in Namibia!

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