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Zvezda & Alex are still in the game - BY #9


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Peter Connan

Lovely shot of the Flycatcher!


Surely there must be something hiding on a memory card somewhere to take us out of our misery? 

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2 hours ago, Peter Connan said:

Lovely shot of the Flycatcher!


Surely there must be something hiding on a memory card somewhere to take us out of our misery? 


Surely there is. But nothing worth of #400 ^_^

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I agree, that is a beautiful flycatcher photo.

The anticipation of 400 is enjoyable in itself :D

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Peter Connan

Ok, well then, one of these days we'll go looking for something worthy.

Question is just where? Have you got Verraux's Eagle yet this year?

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2 minutes ago, Peter Connan said:

Ok, well then, one of these days we'll go looking for something worthy.

Question is just where? Have you got Verraux's Eagle yet this year?

I am counting on you, Peter! No Verraux’s Eagle this year. But the umbrella bird would be as good a catch as the eagle!

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  • 2 weeks later...

While I did not go around actively searching for new birds (high temperatures and thunderstorms), I did monitor the garden for any new arrivals. This little fella made a good use of the bird bath. A regular sighting but mostly when I am without a camera. Taken through the window. Nice one but not new to the Big Year (posted already from Seewinkel).


SI 056    

Black Redstart  /  Phoenicurus ochruros    



Ljubljansko Barje    14-Aug-2024

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Luckily, today his (or her?) cousin also decided to come. Much more irregular visitor, and more colourful one, thus it earned the honour to represent the 4th milestone this year.



BY 400  /  SI 057    

Common Redstart  -  Phoenicurus phoenicurus    







Ljubljansko Barje    15-Aug-2024

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Congrats on #400, nice bird to get!

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Well done @xelas. A beautiful Redstart for your new milestone 

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Congratulations on #400! As others have said: beautiful photos of the redstart.

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Thank you all, fellow Big Year birders! Now towards the next milestone; no new additions until end of September.

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Peter Connan


Beautiful photos.

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Zim Girl

Congratulations on the fourth century, Alex.  Lovely Redstart pictures.

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Congrats! Impressive score 

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COngrats on the 400th and with a beautiful redstart!

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  • 4 weeks later...
pedro maia

Great collection from Namibia with very nice pitctures from both you and Zvezda, and congrats on I don´t lnow how many milestones;).

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  • 1 month later...

I may be late but really impressed by your Namibian collection and your 400 score ! 

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