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Zvezda & Alex are still in the game - BY #9


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NA 167    

Pied Avocet  -  Recurvirostra avosetta    



Swakopmund    22-May-2024



NA 168    

Great Cormorant  -  Phalacrocorax carbo    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    19-May-2024

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NA 169    

Laughing Dove  -  Spilopelia senegalensis    



Walvis Bay    22-May-2024



NA 170    

Namaqua Dove  -  Oena capensis    



Sesriem Canyon    20-May-2024

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NA 171    

Booted Eagle  -  Hieraaetus pennatus    



Khowarib Lodge    29-May-2024

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NA 172    

Great White Egret  -  Ardea alba    



Etosha NP    31-May-2024



NA 173    

Little Egret  -  Egretta garzetta    



Swakopmund    22-May-2024

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NA 174    

Greater Flamingo  -  Phoenicopterus roseus    



Walvis Bay    22-May-2024

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NA 175    

Common Greenshank  -  Tringa nebularia    



Swakopmund    22-May-2024

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NA 176    

Grey Heron  -  Ardea cinerea    



Swakopmund    23-May-2024

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NA 177    

African Sacred Ibis  -  Threskiornis aethiopicus    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    7-Jun-2024



NA 178    

Glossy Ibis  -  Plegadis falcinellus    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    7-Jun-2024

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That is certainly a good score and many excellent photos! Was the first Lappet- faced Vulture a tagged bird of was it just another ufo passing behind it? 

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17 minutes ago, PeterHG said:

Was the first Lappet- faced Vulture a tagged bird of was it just another ufo passing behind it? 


It was a tagged bird but unfortunately on none of our photos the number is visible :wacko:.

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Peter Connan

Lovely shots again, and so close to 400 now!


395 is Shaft-tailed, not Pin-tailed. That would be a lifer for me, and quite possibly is one for you too?

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4 hours ago, Peter Connan said:

Lovely shots again, and so close to 400 now!


395 is Shaft-tailed, not Pin-tailed. That would be a lifer for me, and quite possibly is one for you too?


So close ... but not close enough -_-.


Thanks, duly corrected. Nope, not a lifer, seen it in Kgalagadi 2016, Namibia 2017 and ... Botswana 2018! 

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NA 179    

Mallard  -  Anas platyrhynchos    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    7-jun-2024



NA 180    

Common Moorhen  -  Gallinula chloropus    



Swakopmund    23-May-2024

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NA 181    

Rock Martin  -  Ptyonoprogne fuligula    







Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    25-May-2024

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NA 182    

House Sparrow  -  Passer domesticus    



Solitaire    19-May-2024



NA 183    

Rock Dove  -  Columba livia    



Swakopmund    23-May-2024

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NA 184    

Black-winged Stilt  -  Himantopus himantopus    



Swakopmund    22-May-2024

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NA 185    

Caspian Tern  -  Hydroprogne caspia    



Walvis Bay    22-May-2024



NA 186    

Great Crested Tern  -  Thalasseus bergii    



Walvis Bay    22-May-2024

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NA 187    

Ruddy Turnstone  -  Arenaria interpres    



Walvis Bay    22-May-2024



NA 188    Grey Plover    Pluvialis squatarola    
NA 189    Whimbrel    Numenius phaeopus    



Swakopmund    22-May-2024

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NA 190    

Little Grebe  -  Tachybaptus ruficollis    



Walvis Bay    22-May-2024

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The group target was set at 200 birds; we are 10 birds shy of that target number, yet very happy with the total. 

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An excellent score from Namibia, and your overall total is very impressive 

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Zim Girl

Brilliant set of birds from Namibia, Alex, and fantastic score.

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Thanks, @TonyQ and @Zim Girl! We really worked hard to get as many birds as possible. I think we could get more only if we would extend our trip for a week in the Caprivi area. Luckily for me, there will be soon chance to find some new birds in that region.

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Congrats Alex and Zvezda, you got many great photos. Great fun collecting clicks together. 🙂

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The fourth century is so close now. Local birds are helping us getting there.


BY 398  /  SI 054    

Spotted Flycatcher  -  Muscicapa striata    



Ljubljansko Barje    7-Jul-2024



BY 399  /  SI 055    

Eurasian Blackcap  -  Sylvia atricapilla    





Ljubljansko Barje    1-Aug-2024

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