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Zvezda & Alex are still in the game - BY #9


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Peter Connan

Beautiful pictures of beautiful birds, some of which I have never even heard of before!

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BY 364  /  NA 133    

Dusky Sunbird  -  Cinnyris fuscus    



Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    25-May-2024



Palmwag Lodge    27-May-2024



BY 365  /  NA 134    

Marico Sunbird  -  Cinnyris mariquensis    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    19-May-2024



Mundulea Nature Reserve    5-Jun-2024


BY 366  /  NA 135    

Scarlet-chested Sunbird  -  Chalcomitra senegalensis    



Khowarib Lodge    28-May-2024



Swakopmund   23-May-2024



BY 367  /  NA 136    

White-breasted Sunbird  -  Cinnyris talatala    



Etosha NP    1-Jun-2024


Edited by xelas
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BY 368  /  NA 137    

African Swamphen  -  Porphyrio madagascariensis    





Walvis Bay    22-May-2024

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BY 369  /  NA 138    

African Palm Swift  -  Cypsiurus parvus    (lifer)



Windhoek--Avis Dam    19-May-2024



BY 370  /  NA 139    

Bradfield's Swift  -  Apus bradfieldi    (lifer)



Walvis Bay    22-May-2024



BY 371  /  NA 140    

White-rumped Swift  -  Apus caffer    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    19-May-2024

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12 hours ago, Peter Connan said:

Beautiful pictures of beautiful birds, some of which I have never even heard of before!


Must be because I am using eBird naming system :D?!


Just a quick reminder, it is 30 days and you will have the chance (and I will have the privilege) to show me some of your local birds I have not seen yet (this year) in Africa! 

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@xelasbeautiful photos - so you are off to SA soon?

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Peter Connan
2 hours ago, xelas said:

Just a quick reminder, it is 30 days and you will have the chance (and I will have the privilege) to show me some of your local birds I have not seen yet (this year) in Africa! 


Looking forward to it!


Something went wrong with your last post with the Sunbirds.

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5 hours ago, TonyQ said:

@xelasbeautiful photos - so you are off to SA soon?

 To Botswana via SA, the trip that has been postponed a year ago.

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4 hours ago, Peter Connan said:

Something went wrong with your last post with the Sunbirds.


Now corrected. Thanks for your editorial participation :D.

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BY 372  /  NA 141    

Brown-crowned Tchagra  -  Tchagra australis    



River Crossing Lodge    18-May-2024

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BY 373  /  NA 142    

Blue-billed Teal  -  Spatula hottentota    



Walvis Bay    22-May-2024



BY 374  /  NA 143    

Cape Teal  -  Anas capensis    



Swakopmund    21-May-2024

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BY 375  /  NA 144    

Damara Tern  -  Sternula balaenarum    (lifer)





Walvis Bay    22-May-2024

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BY 376  /  NA 145    

Groundscraper Thrush  -  Turdus litsitsirupa    



Palmwag    27-May-2024



BY 377  /  NA 146    

Short-toed Rock Thrush  -  Monticola brevipes    



Etosha NP    29-May-2024

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BY 378  /  NA 147    

Ashy Tit  -  Melaniparus cinerascens    (lifer)



Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    25-May-2024



BY 379  /  NA 148    

Carp's Tit  -  Melaniparus carpi    



Khowarib Lodge    28-May-2024



BY 380  /  NA 149    

Southern Penduline Tit  -  Anthoscopus minutus    (lifer)





Windhoek--Avis Dam    19-May-2024

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BY 381  /  NA 150    

Lappet-faced Vulture  -  Torgos tracheliotos    



Sossusvlei    20-May-2024



Etosha    29-May-2024



BY 382  /  NA 151    

White-backed Vulture  -  Gyps africanus    





Sossusvlei    20-May-2024

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BY 383  /  NA 152    

Cape Wagtail  -  Motacilla capensis    



Swakopmund    23-May-2024

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BY 384  /  NA 153    

Chestnut-vented Warbler  -  Curruca subcoerulea    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    19-May-2024



BY 385  /  NA 154    

Common Reed Warbler (African)  -  Acrocephalus scirpaceus baeticatus    



Walvis Bay    22-May-2024

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BY 386  /  NA 155    

Black-faced Waxbill  -  Brunhilda erythronotos    



Mundulea Nature Reserve    5-Jun-2024



BY 387  /  NA 156    

Common Waxbill  -  Estrilda astrild    



Swakopmund    23-May-2024



BY 388  /  NA 157    

Violet-eared Waxbill  -  Granatina granatina    





Mundulea Nature Reserve    5-Jun-2024

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what a beautiful collection from Namibia! 

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5 hours ago, Kitsafari said:

what a beautiful collection from Namibia! 


Thanks, Kit! 

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BY 389  /  NA 158    

Scaly Weaver  -  Sporopipes squamifrons    



Etosha NP    2-Jun-2024



BY 390  /  NA 159    

Sociable Weaver  -  Philetairus socius    



Solitaire    19-May-2024



BY 391  /  NA 160    

Southern Masked-Weaver  -  Ploceus velatus    





Mundulea Nature Reserve    5-Jun-2024

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BY 392  /  NA 161    

Capped Wheatear  -  Oenanthe pileata    



Etosha NP    30-May-2024



BY 393  /  NA 162    

Mountain Wheatear  -  Myrmecocichla monticola    


male with grey crown


Sossus Dune Lodge    20-May-2024


male, grey-coloured


Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    24-May-2024



Palmwag    27-May-2024




Khowarib Lodge    29-May-2024

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Posted (edited)

BY 394  /  NA 163    

Orange River White-eye  -  Zosterops pallidus    (lifer)



Swakopmund    23-May-2024



BY 395  /  NA 164    

Shaft-tailed Whydah    Vidua regia    



Mundulea Nature Reserve    6-Jun-2024

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BY 396  /  NA 165    

Violet Woodhoopoe  -  Phoeniculus damarensis    (lifer)



Etosha NP    3-Jun-2024



BY 397  /  NA 166    

Cardinal Woodpecker  -  Dendropicos fuscescens    



Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    25-May-2024

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Cardinal Woodpecker is the last bird that has qualified for the Big Year; 166 different species out of which 20 were lifers. A good result, IMO. The total for Namibia is higher at 189. Here are the birds that did not qualify as they have been already photographed and posted this year.

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