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Zvezda & Alex are still in the game - BY #9


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8 hours ago, PeterHG said:

A worthy bird of the trip! Great shots!


It eluded us for the whole evening but eventually, Michael and local guide managed to find it. It did pose nicely, yet the light was down already. I am surprised with the image quality after processed through Photo AI.

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4 minutes ago, michael-ibk said:

Jealous about the Purple Roller! Great capture.:)


For a moment you scared me, Michael :D. But alas, also in my database it was Purple until comparing the latin name with eBird.


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One of the ebird names I am ignoring, too used to the old one.

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2 hours ago, michael-ibk said:

One of the ebird names I am ignoring, too used to the old one.

And it’s stupid!

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The rock runner would have been a lifer for me too - beautiful!

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2 hours ago, michael-ibk said:

One of the ebird names I am ignoring, too used to the old one.


Or use all or none. Luckily there is always a latin name to solve the confusion.

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11 minutes ago, Tdgraves said:

And it’s stupid!


I don't see what is wrong with Purple Roller?!


10 minutes ago, Tdgraves said:

The rock runner would have been a lifer for me too - beautiful!


A tough bird to find.

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1 hour ago, xelas said:


I don't see what is wrong with Purple Roller?!


Rufous crowned is stupid, as it’s the single smallest area of plumage….

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Another vote for the Rock Runner, a beautiful bird

and I agree about the Purple Roller!

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6 hours ago, TonyQ said:

Another vote for the Rock Runner, a beautiful bird

and I agree about the Purple Roller!


Thanks, Tony. About the Roller, it is a stunning bird whichever the name one uses. I am a bit concern if and how the Lilac-breasted would be renamed?!

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BY 344  /  NA 113    

Burchell's Sandgrouse  -  Pterocles burchelli    







Etosha NP    31-May-2024



BY 345  /  NA 114    

Double-banded Sandgrouse  -  Pterocles bicinctus    (lifer)



Etosha NP    1-Jun-2024



BY 346  /  NA 115    

Namaqua Sandgrouse  -  Pterocles namaqua    





Etosha NP    30-May-2024

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BY 347  /  NA 116    

Common Scimitarbill  -  Rhinopomastus cyanomelas    



Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    24-May-2024

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BY 348  /  NA 117    

Secretarybird  -  Sagittarius serpentarius    





Etosha NP    2-Jun-2024

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BY 349  /  NA 118    

South African Shelduck  -  Tadorna cana    



Etosha NP    30-May-2024




BY 350  /  NA 119    

Cape Shoveler  -  Spatula smithii    



Walvis Bay    22-May-2024

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BY 351  /  NA 120    

White-crowned Shrike  -  Eurocephalus anguitimens    



Khowarib Lodge    29-May-2024    Namibia




BY 352  /  NA 121    

White-tailed Shrike  -  Lanioturdus torquatus    



Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    24-May-2024    Namibia

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A lovely collection of Sandgrouse!

The White-tailed Shrike is interesting. It doesn’t really look like a shrike (but I know your identification is correct)

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9 hours ago, TonyQ said:

A lovely collection of Sandgrouse!

The Double-banded was taken in the evening at ISO 40000 and 1/60 sec at Okakuejo campsite waterhole! If not for Michael's sharp eyes I would not even see the bird in the darkness.

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Wonderful collection. 

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5 hours ago, xelas said:

The Double-banded was taken in the evening at ISO 40000 and 1/60 sec at Okakuejo campsite waterhole! If not for Michael's sharp eyes I would not even see the bird in the darkness.

Still a great result in those conditions!. In the end, it seems, we all really need @michael-ibk

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12 minutes ago, PeterHG said:

In the end, it seems, we all really need @michael-ibk

 well, not sure if all, but to us, he is a way to have a successful birding count!

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Posted (edited)

BY 353  /  NA 122    

Cape Sparrow  -  Passer melanurus    



Sossusvlei    21-May-2024




BY 354  /  NA 123    

Great Rufous Sparrow  -  Passer motitensis    






Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    25-May-2024



BY 355  /  NA 124    

Southern Grey-headed Sparrow  -  Passer diffusus    





Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    25-May-2024

Edited by xelas
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BY 356  /  NA 125    

Grey-backed Sparrow-Lark  -  Eremopterix verticalis    



Etosha NP    31-May-2024



BY 357  /  NA 126    

White-browed Sparrow-Weaver  -  Plocepasser mahali    



Khowarib Lodge    28-May-2024

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BY 358  /  NA 127    

African Spoonbill  -  Platalea alba    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    7-jun-2024

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BY 359  /  NA 128    

Red-billed Spurfowl  -  Pternistis adspersus    



Mundulea Nature Reserve    6-Jun-2024

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BY 360  /  NA 129    

Burchell's Starling  -  Lamprotornis australis    



D1935, Erongo Region    26-May-2024



BY 361  /  NA 130    

Cape Starling  -  Lamprotornis nitens    



Palmwag    27-May-2024



BY 362  /  NA 131    

Pale-winged Starling  -  Onychognathus nabouroup    



Sossusvlei    20-May-2024



BY 363  /  NA 132    

Violet-backed Starling  -  Cinnyricinclus leucogaster    



Mundulea Nature Reserve    5-Jun-2024

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