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Zvezda & Alex are still in the game - BY #9


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A good collection of larks, Alex! I never managed to see either Dune Lark of Gray’s Lark.

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Indeed, happy to see you did get the Dune Lark after all. :D

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14 hours ago, PeterHG said:

A good collection of larks, Alex! I never managed to see either Dune Lark of Gray’s Lark.

 It is so easy, Peter. Just go out birding with Michael ;)

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BY 321  /  NA 090    

Red-faced Mousebird  -  Urocolius indicus    



Palmwag    27-May-2024




BY 322  /  NA 091    

White-backed Mousebird  -  Colius colius    



D1927, Erongo Region    24-May-2024

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BY 323  /  NA 092    

Freckled Nightjar  -  Caprimulgus tristigma    (lifer)



Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    25-May-2024

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BY 324  /  NA 093    

African Golden Oriole  -  Oriolus auratus    (lifer)



Etosha NP    1-Jun-2024

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BY 325  /  NA 094    

Common Ostrich  -  Struthio camelus    



Etosha NP    20-May-2024

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BY 326  /  NA 095    

African Oystercatcher  -  Haematopus moquini    



Swakopmund    22-May-2024

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BY 327  /  NA 096    

Rüppell's Parrot  -  Poicephalus rueppellii    



Khowarib Lodge    28-May-2024

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BY 328  /  NA 097    

Great White Pelican  -  Pelecanus onocrotalus    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    7-Jun-2024



Walvis Bay   22-May-2024

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BY 329  /  NA 098    

Speckled Pigeon  -  Columba guinea    



Swakopmund    23-May-2024

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BY 330  /  NA 099    

Plain-backed Pipit  -  Anthus leucophrys    



Etosha NP    3-Jun-2024

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BY 331  /  NA 100    

White-chinned Petrel  -  Procellaria aequinoctialis    (lifer)







Walvis Bay Pelagic    23-May-2024

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Congrats on your Namibia #100. Oh, seeing the Parrot stings. One of my main targets. 😪

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3 hours ago, michael-ibk said:

Congrats on your Namibia #100. Oh, seeing the Parrot stings. One of my main targets. 😪


Thanks to you, Michael! There are surely birds you have photographed and we did not.

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BY 332  /  NA 101    

Chestnut-banded Plover  -  Anarhynchus pallidus    



Swakopmund    22-May-2024



BY 333  /  NA 102    

Three-banded Plover  -  Charadrius tricollaris    



Swakopmund    22-May-2024



BY 334  /  NA 103    

White-fronted Plover  -  Anarhynchus marginatus    



Swakopmund    22-May-2024

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BY 335  /  NA 104    

Black-chested Prinia  -  Prinia flavicans    



Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    25-May-2024



BY 336  /  NA 105    

Black-backed Puffback  -  Dryoscopus cubla    



Khowarib Lodge    29-May-2024

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BY 337  /  NA 106    

Green-winged Pytilia  -  Pytilia melba    





Mundulea Nature Reserve    5-Jun-2024

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What an excellent feast of birds in a what is an arid country! 

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BY 338  /  NA 107    

Red-billed Quelea  -  Quelea quelea    



Etosha NP    1-Jun-2024

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BY 339  /  NA 108    

Kalahari Scrub Robin  -  Cercotrichas paena    



Etosha NP    31-May-2024




BY 340  /  NA 109    

Red-backed Scrub Robin  -  Cercotrichas leucophrys    



Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    24-May-2024

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BY 341  /  NA 110    

Rockrunner  -  Achaetops pycnopygius    (lifer & the bird of the trip)





Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    25-May-2024

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BY 342  /  NA 111    

Lilac-breasted Roller  -  Coracias caudatus    



Etosha NP    4-Jun-2024



BY 343  /  NA 112    

Rufous-crowned Roller  -  Coracias naevius    



Etosha NP    30-May-2024

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A worthy bird of the trip! Great shots!

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Jealous about the Purple Roller! Great capture.:)

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