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Zvezda & Alex are still in the game - BY #9


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Thank you, guys, from both of us!

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BY 287  /  NA 056    

Cape Gannet  -  Morus capensis    (lifer)



Walvis Bay Pelagic    23-May-2024

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BY 288  /  NA 057    

Grey Go-away-bird  -  Crinifer concolor    



Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    25-May-2024



BY 289  /  NA 058    

Crimson-breasted Gonolek  -  Laniarius atrococcineus    





Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    24-May-2024

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BY 290  /  NA 059    

Egyptian Goose  -  Alopochen aegyptiaca    



Khowarib Lodge    28-May-2024

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BY 291  /  NA 060    

Pale Chanting-Goshawk  -  Melierax canorus    









Khowarib Lodge    28-May-2024

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BY 292  /  NA 061    

Black-necked Grebe  -  Podiceps nigricollis    





Swakopmund    22-May-2024

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BY 293  /  NA 062    

African Green-Pigeon  -  Treron calvus    



Mundulea Nature Reserve    6-Jun-2024

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BY 294  /  NA 063    

Helmeted Guineafowl  -  Numida meleagris    



Etosha NP    2-Jun-2024

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BY 295  /  NA 064    

Grey-hooded Gull  -  Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus    



Swakopmund    22-May-2024



BY 296  /  NA 065    

Hartlaub's Gull  -  Chroicocephalus hartlaubii    



Swakopmund    22-May-2024



BY 297  /  NA 066    

Kelp Gull  -  Larus dominicanus    



Swakopmund    22-May-2024

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Cool shots of the PC Goshawk! What was the prey here?

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21 minutes ago, michael-ibk said:

Cool shots of the PC Goshawk! What was the prey here?


The BIF sequence (14 shots in total) really showed the strength of the OM-1; it holded focus also on a busy background. The prey was ... a dung :unsure:.

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Peter Connan

Not only a gannet but an immature one at that!

As Michael said, great shots of the PCG, and also the Grebe.


So many new names for birds I thought I knew...

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5 hours ago, Peter Connan said:


So many new names for birds I thought I knew...

Same here 🥹. I need to work with latin names when using Sasol or Roberts.

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BY 298  /  NA 067    

Hamerkop  -  Scopus umbretta    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    19-May-2024



BY 299  /  NA 068    

Black-headed Heron  -  Ardea melanocephala    



Etosha NP    30-May-2024

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BY 300  /  NA 069    

African Harrier-Hawk  -  Polyboroides typus    



Etosha NP    2-Jun-2024



BY 301  /  NA 070    

African Hawk-Eagle  -  Aquila spilogaster    



Mundulea Nature Reserve    5-Jun-2024

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BY 302  /  NA 071    

Lesser Honeyguide  -  Indicator minor    



Mundulea Nature Reserve    6-Jun-2024

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BY 303  /  NA 072    

African Grey Hornbill  -  Lophoceros nasutus    





Etosha NP    1-Jun-2024



BY 304  /  NA 073    

Damara Red-billed Hornbill  -  Tockus damarensis    





Khowarib Lodge    28-May-2024



BY 305  /  NA 074    

Monteiro's Hornbill  -  Tockus monteiri    





Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    24-May-2024



BY 306  /  NA 075    

Southern Red-billed Hornbill  -  Tockus rufirostris    



Etosha NP    3-Jun-2024



BY 307  /  NA 076    

Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill  -  Tockus leucomelas    



Mundulea Nature Reserve    6-Jun-2024

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Peter Connan

Lovely shot of the Hwmerkop.


Somebody described it as a "prehistoric Hadeda" the other day.

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1 hour ago, Peter Connan said:

Lovely shot of the Hwmerkop.

Thanks! The early morning sun has a lot to do with how this shot came out. 

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BY 308  /  NA 077    

African Jacana  -  Actophilornis africanus    



Etosha NP    31-May-2024

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BY 309  /  NA 078    

Greater Kestrel  -  Falco rupicoloides    



Etosha NP    1-Jun-2024




BY 310  /  NA 079    

Rock Kestrel  -  Falco rupicolus    



Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    24-May-2024




BY 311  /  NA 080    

Black-winged Kite  -  Elanus caeruleus    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    7-Jun-2024

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BY 312  /  NA 081    

Blacksmith Lapwing  -  Vanellus armatus    



Khowarib Lodge    28-May-2024




BY 313  /  NA 082    

Crowned Lapwing  -  Vanellus coronatus    



Etosha NP    1-Jun-2024

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BY 314  /  NA 083    

Dune Lark  -  Calendulauda erythrochlamys    (lifer)



Swakopmund    22-May-2024




BY 315  /  NA 084    

Gray's Lark  -  Ammomanopsis grayi    





Swakopmund    22-May-2024




BY 316  /  NA 085    

Red-capped Lark  -  Calandrella cinerea    



Swakopmund    22-May-2024

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BY 317  /  NA 086    

Sabota Lark  -  Calendulauda sabota    



Etosha NP    2-Jun-2024




BY 318  /  NA 087    

Spike-heeled Lark  -  Chersomanes albofasciata    



Etosha NP    3-Jun-2024




BY 319  /  NA 088    

Stark's Lark  -  Spizocorys starki    



Etosha NP    30-May-2024

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BY 320  /  NA 089    

Rosy-faced Lovebird  -  Agapornis roseicollis    



Palmwag    27-May-2024

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