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Zvezda & Alex are still in the game - BY #9


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BY 256  /  NA 025    

Southern Anteater-Chat  -  Myrmecocichla formicivora    



Etosha NP    31-May-2024

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BY 257  /  NA 026    

Desert Cisticola  -  Cisticola aridulus    





Etosha NP    3-Jun-2024

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Wonderful collection of Namibia birds, Alex,with great photos both by the Nikon and the OM shooter. There would have been some lifers for me, too in this batch. 

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7 minutes ago, PeterHG said:

Wonderful collection of Namibia birds, Alex,with great photos both by the Nikon and the OM shooter. There would have been some lifers for me, too in this batch. 


Thanks Peter! We are still as excited to get a good photo of a Familiar Chat as we are excited to be able to photograph Tractrac Chat for the first time. But it is time for us to start reporting on first-time birds.

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BY 258  /  NA 027    

Southern Cordonbleu  /  Uraeginthus angolensis    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    19-May-2024


BY 259  /  NA 028    

Red-knobbed Coot  -  Fulica cristata    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    19-May-2024

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BY 260  /  NA 029    

Cape Cormorant  -  Phalacrocorax capensis   



Swakopmund    22-May-2024



BY 261  /  NA 030    

Crowned Cormorant  -  Microcarbo coronatus    



Swakopmund   22-May-2024



BY 262  /  NA 031    

Long-tailed Cormorant  -  Microcarbo africanus    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    19-May-2024

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BY 263  /  NA 032    

Black Crake  -  Zapornia flavirostra    



Etosha NP    4-Jun-2024

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BY 264  /  NA 033    

Double-banded Courser  -  Smutsornis africanus    



Etosha NP    3-Jun-2024

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BY 265  /  NA 034    

Cape Crombec  -  Sylvietta rufescens    



Khowarib Lodge    28-May-2024   

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Posted (edited)

BY 266  /  NA 035    

Cape Crow  -  Corvus capensis    



Etosha NP    3-Jun-2024



BY 267  /  NA 036    

Pied Crow  -  Corvus albus    



Etosha NP    31-May-2024

Edited by xelas
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BY 268  /  NA 037    

Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove  -  Turtur chalcospilos    



Mundulea Nature Reserve    5-Jun-2024



BY 269  /  NA 038    

Ring-necked Dove  -  Streptopelia capicola    



Mundulea Nature Reserve    5-Jun-2024



BY 270  /  NA 039    

Fork-tailed Drongo  -  Dicrurus adsimilis    



Etosha NP    1-Jun-2024

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BY 271  /  NA 040    

Maccoa Duck  -  Oxyura maccoa    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    7-Jun-2024



BY 272  /  NA 041    

Red-billed Duck  -  Anas erythrorhyncha    



Etosha NP    2-Jun-2024

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BY 273  /  NA 042    

Black-chested Snake-Eagle  -  Circaetus pectoralis    



Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    25-May-2024



BY 274  /  NA 043    

Martial Eagle  -  Polemaetus bellicosus    



Etosha NP    29-May-2024



BY 275  /  NA 044    

Tawny Eagle  -  Aquila rapax    







Etosha NP    30-May-2024

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BY 276  /  NA 045    

Yellow-bellied Eremomela  -  Eremomela icteropygialis    (lifer)



Etosha NP    29-May-2024



BY 277  /  NA 046    

Burnt-neck Eremomela  -  Eremomela usticollis    



Mundulea Nature Reserve    6-Jun-2024

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lovely additions from you and Zvezda - awesome shot of the snake eagle in flight!

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Thanks, @Kitsafari! New gear allows for some decent BIF shots.

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BY 278  /  NA 047    

Pygmy Falcon  -  Polihierax semitorquatus    (lifer)



Road D1261, Hardap Region    19-May-2024



BY 279  /  NA 048    

Red-necked Falcon  -  Falco chicquera    



Etosha NP    4-Jun-2024

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BY 280  /  NA 049    

Red-headed Finch  -  Amadina erythrocephala    





Ai Aiba Rock Painting Lodge    25-May-2024



BY 281  /  NA 050    

Red-billed Firefinch  -  Lagonosticta senegala    



Windhoek--Avis Dam    19-May-2024

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BY 282  /  NA 051    

Southern Fiscal  -  Lanius collaris    





Etosha NP    30-May-2024

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BY 283  /  NA 052    

Lesser Flamingo  -  Phoeniconaias minor    





Swakopmund    22-May-2024

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BY 284  /  NA 053    

Chat Flycatcher  -  Agricola infuscatus    





Etosha NP    31-May-2024



BY 285  /  NA 054    

Marico Flycatcher  -  Bradornis mariquensis    



Etosha NP    2-Jun-2024

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BY 286  /  NA 055    

Crested Francolin  -  Ortygornis sephaena    



Mundulea Nature Reserve    5-Jun-2024

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Great batch again Alex with even a Chat in flight!

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Peter Connan

Some really lovely photos and birds Alex and Zvezda!

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Thirded! I really like the Lesser Flamingo portrait.

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