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TonyQ's Big Year 2024


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350.UK.110 Black-tailed Godwit  Limosa limosa           


Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24

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Zim Girl

Love the running Water Rail!

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thank you @Zim Girl. It was surprising how fast it could run!

And now to round up the Yorkshire trip


351.UK.111 Dunlin  Calidris alpina    


Distant, Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24

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352.UK.112 Golden Plover  Pluvialis apricaria           


One brief fly-past, Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24


Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24

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353.UK.113 Lesser Black-backed Gull  Larus fuscus


Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24

I don't know why I have left it so late for one of our most common gulls!

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354.UK.114 Little Gull  Hydrocoloeus minutus           


Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24


Next to Black-headed Gull to show size difference, Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24

Only our second sighting of this species

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355.UK.115 Little Tern  Sternula albifrons    

A new bird for the UK LIst



Very distant Juvenile, On the right, Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24

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356.UK.116 Sandwich Tern  Sterna sandvicensis           


Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24

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So special to have the little gull and the little tern in one shot!

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Distant but nicely posed, specially the little ones.

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Peter Connan

Congratulations on the UK 100 and the 350 total! Great photos as always.

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On 7/22/2024 at 8:33 PM, TonyQ said:

Thank you @Zim Girl


The next sequence is a bit indulgent - but it was great fun here


346.UK.103 Sand Martin  Riparia riparia      


Fraisthorpe Beach, Yorkshire 04.07.24


Chicks waiting, Fraisthorpe Beach, Yorkshire 04.07.24


Incoming, Fraisthorpe Beach, Yorkshire 04.07.24




what a shot!

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@Peter Connan@PeterHG@xelasthank you

@Kitsafarithank you - I was pleased with how the Sand Martin shot worked - especially as the adult wasn't sharp. It was fun trying!


So a long time since I have posted any. Sorting through old files has produced a few poor additions - but they all count:D


Firstly, from January. Already posted from India so only counts for my UK list


UK.117 Little Grebe  Tachybaptus ruficollis  


Dark eyes compared to the Pale-eyed Indian bird, Swanshurst Park, Birmingham           13.01.24



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357.UK.118 Magpie  Pica pica          


Our Garden, Birmingham        12.05.24

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358.UK.119 Red Kite  Milvus milvus 


A woeful shot! Leamington Spa          12.06.24

We had been photographing Peregrines in Leamington and were heaading for a coffee before heading home. I had put my camera away (!) so was very slow getting this and it was significantly underexposed.

I haven't seen another one yet.

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359.UK.120 House Martin  Delichon urbica  


Upton Warren, Worcestershire           27.06.24

We have seen very few of these this year

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pedro maia

Well, it took me a while to catch up with your BY but it was totally worth it, very cool species and an impressive count from India and you kept cruising qith your UK additions, congrats on the several hundreds and on the photo quality, I´m using the same gear but most of my pictures are rubish:P.

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Congratulations with your Uk pictures and your impressive total until now ! 

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