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TonyQ's Big Year 2024


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335.UK.92 Shag  Phalacrocorax aristotelis  


Flamborough Cliffs, Yorkshire            02.07.24

Flamborough is just a short drive away from Bempton (or a walk if you are energetic)

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336.UK.93 Skylark  Alauda arvensis 


Flamborough Cliffs, Yorkshire            02.07.24

We have struggled with Skylarks this year

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337.UK.94 Meadow Pipit  Anthus pratensis  


Flamborough Cliffs, Yorkshire            02.07.24

We spent quite a while trying to get distant photos of Meadow Pipits when this on came and sat on a fence post right in front of us!

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338.UK.95 Yellowhammer  Emberiza citrinella           


Buckton (Near Bempton) Yorkshire   02.07.24


Wykeham Forest, Yorkshire   03.07.24

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339.UK.96 Turnstone  Arenaria interpres     


Bridlington Harbour, Yorkshire           02.07.24

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Nice additions, particularly like the Turnstone photo.

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Peter Connan

Not at all Tony, just don't see another way to get so close!

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Zim Girl

Nice birds and pictures from Bempton, Tony.

We should really make the effort to get across there.  We can get most of those species from St Bees in Cumbria but it would be good for the Gannets and Puffins. 

Which cottage do you use?

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@michael-ibkthank you

@Peter Connanthe shape of the cliffs makes viewing easier in some places - and there are some viewing platforms. Cropping photos also helps :D


@Zim Girlthank you - we will certainly return at some time. Check for what dates Puffins are likely to be there.

This is the place we used (though we actually booked through Booking.com)


It is a 10 minute drive to the cliffs (Although the rspb centrer opens at 9.30, you can get to the cliffs at any time)

There are places in Buckton, Bempton and nearby Flamborough.


As an exchange can you tell us where you stayed in Nethy Bridge?


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A few more from Yorkshire

340.UK.97 Willow Warbler  Phylloscopus trochilus          


Wykeham Forest, Yorkshire   03.07.24

Very few of these seen this year

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341.UK.98 Wren  Trogdolytes trogdolytes    


Wykeham Forest, Yorkshire   03.07.24

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342.UK.99 Song Thrush  Turdus philomelos


Troutsdale, Yorkshire  03.07.24

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343.UK.100 Turtle Dove  Streptopelia turtur 


Harwood Dale Yorkshire        03.07.24


Harwood Dale Yorkshire        03.07.24

Only the second time we have seen a Turtle dove in the UK. It is a species that is really struggling.

Last time we saw on was 08.07.20 from exactly the same spot!  I thought it was a good choice for UK 100 (I had a similar thought 4 years ago as it was also UK100 then!)

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344.UK.101 Jay  Garrulus glandarius           


Harwood Dale Yorkshire        03.07.24

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345.UK.102 Pheasant  Phasianus colchicus


(F) Harwood Dale Yorkshire        03.07.24


(M) Harwood Dale Yorkshire        03.07.24

Different markings to the usual Pheasant we see

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Lovely turtle dove @TonyQ

i heard one last night but couldn’t see it high in the willow tree it was perched in :angry:

congrats on the uk 100 (the cricket 100 starts next week too!)

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Congratulations on your 100th bird from the home grounds, Tony!

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 Congratulations on a beautiful UK #100, a bird that has become very rare here, too.

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Same here sadly, it is a beautiful Dove, a good one for your #UK100 - congratulations.

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Zim Girl
On 7/19/2024 at 12:13 PM, TonyQ said:

@Zim Girlthank you - we will certainly return at some time. Check for what dates Puffins are likely to be there.

This is the place we used (though we actually booked through Booking.com)


It is a 10 minute drive to the cliffs (Although the rspb centrer opens at 9.30, you can get to the cliffs at any time)

There are places in Buckton, Bempton and nearby Flamborough.


As an exchange can you tell us where you stayed in Nethy Bridge?


That cottage looks very nice, Tony.

We stayed here in Nethy Bridge, and have booked the same cottage for next year as well.  Corner Cottage - Holiday Cottage in Nethy Bridge in Speyside Scotland (corner-cottage.com)


Love the Turtle Dove, another bird we have never seen.

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Thank you @Zim Girl


The next sequence is a bit indulgent - but it was great fun here


346.UK.103 Sand Martin  Riparia riparia      


Fraisthorpe Beach, Yorkshire 04.07.24


Chicks waiting, Fraisthorpe Beach, Yorkshire 04.07.24


Incoming, Fraisthorpe Beach, Yorkshire 04.07.24


Feeding time, Fraisthorpe Beach, Yorkshire 04.07.24

The cliff was fairly low, at the edge of a beach that was popular with holidaymakers and dog walkers. The Sand Martins seemed completely unbothered by this. (Perhaps it is even a protection against predators).

It was a really enjoyable sighting. (I also have lots of photos of cliffs with no birds in them:D)

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347.UK.104 Rook  Corvus frugilegus


Fraisthorpe, Yorkshire 04.07.24

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348.UK.105 Tree Pipit  Anthus trivialis          


Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24

Kilnsea is on the Spurn peninsula. This was taken walking to the hide that overlooks the wetlands.

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349.UK.106 Water Rail  Rallus aquaticus     

A surprising treat


Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24


Running surprisingly quickly across open ground, Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24


And two together, Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24

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The next 3 have already been seen in India, but do move the UK total along.


UK.107 Redshank  Tringa totanus 


Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24


UK.108 Greenshank  Tringa nebularia          


MIles away!, Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24


UK.109 Yellow Wagtail  Motacilla flava


Only our second UK sighting, Kilnsea Wetlands, Yorkshire  04.07.24

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