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TonyQ's Big Year 2024


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324.UK.77 Mediterranean Gull  Larus melanocephalus         


Upton Warren, Worcestershire           19.05.24

Nesting. Most of the gulls here were Black-headed Gulls (the one with the Brown Head :D) but there was one pair of Med Gulls

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Caught up (for some reason on holiday my mails and links don't work) so belated congrats on the 300 and no doubt many more to come.

Excellent stuff.

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Zim Girl

Congratulations on the 300, Tony. A fantastic total for India.

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Some excellent additions since reaching your 300 Tony ! 

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@Galana@BRACQUENE@Zim Girlthank you.


A couple of additions


325.UK.78 Avocet  Recurvirostra avosetta   


Upton Warren, Worcestershire           30.03.24

And then a month later


With 2 little chicks, Upton Warren, Worcestershire           30.04.24


Upton Warren, Worcestershire           30.04.24

The behaviour in the last photo we have not seen before. The adult called the chicks and then squatted down. The chicks responded and crawled under the adult. It was a wonderful sight!

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UK.79 Peregrine  Falco peregrinus   

Already seen in India


Leamington Spa          12.06.24


Leamington Spa          12.06.24  

We have been to Leamington around this time of year for the last few years. Peregrines have bred in the old Town Hall for a number of years. This time 3 chicks fledged and were just learning to fly.

It was great to see them, and to hear them calling!

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Beautiful photos of the Avocet with the chicks. It is always special to witness behaviour like that. The peregrines nest in our town, too, but too high up the tower for photos like yours.

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super cool to watch the ever elegant Avocet and its chicks!

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@PeterHG@Kitsafarithank you


We went to Yorkshire fro a few days, mainly to visit Bempton Cliffs.

We stopped a couple of times on the way up.

The first couple of birds we had already seen in India, but I put them in for my UK list!


UK.80  Kingfisher  Alcedo atthis


Very distant, Potteric Carr Reserve, Yorkshire       01.07.24


UK.81  Marsh Harrier  Circus aeruginosus    


Blacktoft Sands, Yorkshire     01.07.24


Coming in to land in the rain, Blacktoft Sands, Yorkshire     01.07.24


Blacktoft Sands, Yorkshire     01.07.24

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326.UK.82 Green Sandpiper  Tringa ochropus           


Blacktoft Sands, Yorkshire     01.07.24


There were lots of them around, Blacktoft Sands, Yorkshire     01.07.24

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327.UK.83 Spotted Redshank  Tringa erythropus           


Only our second sighting of this species in the UK, Blacktoft Sands, Yorkshire     01.07.24

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Peter Connan

What a beautiful moment and well photographed too Tony!

Thanks for sharing it.

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Thank you @Peter Connan

We stayed near Bempton in Yorkshire for 4 nights. (We stayed at the same cottage we used at our previous visit - just after lockdown!)

The main reason for going to Bempton is to see cliff birds (not common in BIrmingham :D)

HOwever, I will start with a bird that is common in BIrmingham, and already seen in India


UK.84  Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove)  Columba livia           


Classic Feral, Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24


With more elements of Rock Dove , Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24

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Posted (edited)

328.UK.85 Fulmar  Fulmarus glacialis          


Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24

Edited by TonyQ
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329.UK.86 Guillemot  Cepphus grylle           


Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24


Chick, Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24

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330.UK.87 Razorbill  Alca torda        


With chick, Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24

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331.UK.88 Kittiwake  Rissa tridactyla


Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24


Chicks waiting to be fed, Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24

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332.UK.89 Puffin  Fratercula arctica 


Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24


Greetings, Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24

A big favourite with tourists - birders and non-birders!

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However, probably the "Star Bird" of the cliffs for me is


333.UK.90 Gannet  Morus bassanus


Bonding, Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24


Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24


With chick, Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24

I am going to post a few more which hopefully will be of interest. Many sea bird colonies have suffered from Avian Influenza. They may be particularly vulnerable because the nest so closely together.

There has been an interesting bit of research looking at Gannets


Usually Gannets have silvery-blue eyes


Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24

but black eyes means it is likely they have survived Avian Influenza


Bird on left shows black eyes, Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24


A closer view of black eyes, Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24

So it was interesting to see this in "real life" and perhaps gives hope that some of the birds at least can survive this and perhaps develop immunity.

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Excellent photos at Bempton Cliffs, both the adults and the chicks! And an interesting article about the iris colour as an indicator of avian flu. Your photos demonstrate that very well.

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Bempton Cliffs offers a series of iconic birds and you have taken them in their full glory! My star (and lifer) of the parade would be Puffins.

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Great photos Tony. I always am jealous about your cliff birds - much rarer here than in Birmingham. :D


Very, very cute sequence with the Avocet chicks.

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Gorgeous shots of the gannets. I agree - these large birds are such photogenics subjects. The cliff shots really remind me of the most enjoyable time we had there last year. 

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Peter Connan

Lovely shots from the cliffs.

In my mind's eye I can see you hanging by a rope...


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@PeterHGthank you

@xelasthank you - I think the Puffin would be the most popular

@michael-ibkthank you - we are good for cliff birds. We thought the Avocet chicks were very cute.

@Kitsafarithank you - I am glad you enjoyed Bempton

@Peter Connanthank you (I hope that is not a punishment you are imagining;))


A few more

334.UK.91 Tree Sparrow  Passer montanus


Near the RSPB centre, Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire       02.07.24

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