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TonyQ's Big Year 2024


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295.In264 Taiga Flycatcher  Ficedula albicilla           


Very close to Thrush, Sattal   28.02.24

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296.In265 Jungle Owlet  Glaucidium radiatum           


Birder's Den, Sattal     28.02.24

Getting dark, high up a tree!

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297.In266 Whistler's Warbler  Phylloscopus whistleri          


Sattal   29.02.24 (iso 20000!)


Sattal   29.02.24


Early on our last morning, in deep shade


So that wraps up the birds from this very enjoyable India trip. 266 species photographed, 257 of those are additions to the Big Year.

I think that is the largest number of birds we have seen on one trip (233 in India 2019, 221 in Kenya 2019)

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That is one formidable count of birds, @TonyQ! What is even more formidable is the quality of photos here presented. Thank you very much for your effort, both during the trip and after it.

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An excellent and inspiring India collection, @TonyQ! I really enjoyed every batch!

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What an epic haul! Was it a different time of year or did you try harder (by employing more guides, for example)?

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Indeed - a very impressive total, really well captured!

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Peter Connan

Some really pretty Rufous birds, and some others even prettier!

Just three to go for three hundred!

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@xelas @PeterHG@JimSthank you for your kind comments

@Peter Connanthank you. I have a few UK birds to catch up on now!

@Tdgravesthank you

In terms of differences between 2 India trips, there are a few. Both trips took place in February.

1. The trip in 2019 was largely planned around viewing mammals - Sloth Bear at Satpura. Rhino, Elephants and Gibbons in Kaziranga. We were keen on seeing birds but the trip was not planned around them to the same extent.

2. This trip was planned to be a birding trip and we looked at different environments and habitats. We spent 2 days rather than one at Keoladeo and visited Chambal River. When we went further north, we looked at areas at different altitudes - which gave a wider range of species. We went to Corbett National Park, but said we did not want to be chasing Tigers all of the time (though we did have very good sightings)

3. We spent longer with specialist birding guides (one for Keoladeo, a different one in the north). Our guides in 2019 were more general naturalist guides - though both were good at birding.

4. We have 5 years more birding experience!

We were very happy with both trips, and the number of birds seen on both was much higher than we expected

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On 6/10/2024 at 2:44 PM, TonyQ said:

266 species photographed, 257 of those are additions to the Big Year.




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@Soukousthank you


Back to the UK – a bit of catching up to do!


298.UK.41 Coal Tit  Periparus ater


Earlswood, nr Birmingham      09.01.24

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299.UK.42 Goosander  Mergus merganser  


(F) Sandwell Valley           04.01.24


Resting, (M) Earlswood, nr Birmingham      09.01.24

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And one of my favourite UK birds to reach 300


300.UK.43 Great Crested Grebe  Podiceps cristatus         


Upton Warren, Worcestershire           12.04.24


Upton Warren, Worcestershire           12.04.24

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I love the colour rendering in the grebe shots!

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Congratulations on 300.  No doubt you're not finished yet.

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Congrats on #300 Tony, you are having a really fabulous BY. I share your fondness for the Grebe, always have liked them, even before my birding days. Your India haul is really spectacular, more than 250 is special anywhere for a trip! And you came away with an admirably high percentage of super photos. Well done, bravo!

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Liked but didn’t notice the milestone- well done!

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congrats on the 300th. what a terrific haul of beautiful birds from India to bring you to the 3rd milestone!

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Peter Connan

Congratulations on the tripple!

Lovely shots of the Grebe.

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Congratulations with your 300 and the Grebe is a great bird to celebrate it especially with that quality of photography !

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@PeterHGthank you  - it was very nice light

@Soukousnot finished yet - quite a few to catch up on, but the weather has been poor, limiting our desire to get out!

@michael-ibk@Tdgraves@Kitsafari@Peter Connan@BRACQUENEthank you


So a few more from the UK


301.UK.44 Blackbird  Turdus merula


Our Garden, Birmingham        08.03.24

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302. UK.45 Canada Goose  Branta canadensis           


Upton Warren, Worcestershire           24.03.24

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303.UK.46 Black-headed Gull  Chroicocephalus ridibundus      


Swanshurst Park, Birmingham           28.03.24


And ambitious nest building, Upton Warren, Worcestershire           12.04.24

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UK.47 Moorhen  Gallinula chloropus

Already seen in India


Swanshurst Park, Birmingham       28.03.24

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304.UK.48 Carrion Crow  Corvus corone     


Swanshurst Park, Birmingham           28.03.24

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