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TonyQ's Big Year 2024


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2 hours ago, PeterHG said:

What a beautiful batch again!


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Zim Girl

A great set of interesting birds!

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What a productive trip this was! So many beauties, especially like the Bushtit, Forktail and Barbets. And cool you got the Ibisbill.:)

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Peter Connan

Fascinating birds! And great photos of them too!

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Posted (edited)

@PeterHG@Tdgraves@Zim Girl @Peter Connan@michael-ibkthank you


275.In244 Rufous Sibia  Heterophasia capistrata           


Birder's Den Hide, Sattal        27.02.24

Many of the birds are Rufous!

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276.In245 Red-billed Blue Magpie  Urocissa erythroryncha 


Birder's Den Hide, Sattal        27.02.24


Chafi Area, Sattal        27.02.24

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277.In246 Lemon-rumped Warbler  Phylloscopus chloronotus    


Chafi Area, Sattal        27.02.24

I don't think "lemon" is used very often as a colour descriptor for birds

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278.In247 Black-chinned Babbler  Cyanoderma pyrrhops         


Chafi Area, Sattal        27.02.24

We saw this species in many places - usually deep in bushes. Luckily it was in a more open area here.

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279.In248 Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher  Ficedula strophiata       


Chafi Area, Sattal        27.02.24

A pretty and confiding bird. It kept returning to the same perch, as flycatchers often do

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280.In249 Slaty-backed Forktail  Enicurus schistaceus    


Chafi Area, Sattal        27.02.24


Chafi Area, Sattal        27.02.24

We saw two of the three possible Forktails here. MIssed out on the Little Forktail.

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281.In250 Small Niltava  Niltava macgrigoriae      


A pretty little bird for India 250    


(F) Chafi Area, Sattal        27.02.24


(M)Chafi Area, Sattal        27.02.24

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And a larger Cousin,

282.In251 Rufous-bellied Niltava  Niltava sundara           


Chafi Area, Sattal        27.02.24

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283.In252 Wallcreeper  Tichodroma muraria


Chafi Area, Sattal        27.02.24


Chafi Area, Sattal        27.02.24

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a great set of beautiful birds!

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thank you @Kitsafari


And now the final few birds from India!


284.In253 Rufous-throated Partridge  Arborophila rufogularis      


Birder's Den Hide, Sattal        28.02.24

The only one we saw. Another "Rufous" bird!

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285.In254 Rufous-chinned Laughingthrush  Lanthocincla rufogularis         


Birder's Den Hide, Sattal        28.02.24


Birder's Den Hide, Sattal        28.02.24

Again, the only one we saw - and another "Rufous"

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286.In255 Yellow-breasted Greenfinch  Chloris spinoides        


Sattal   28.02.24


and showing the markings on the back, Sattal   28.02.24

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287.In256 Black-throated Sunbird  Aethopyga saturata          


Birder's Den, Sattal     28.02.24


Birder's Den, Sattal     28.02.24

We saw this in a few places during the trip, but the garden here gave us the clearest view

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288.In257 Chestnut-headed Tesia  Cettia castaneocoronata      


Sattal   28.02.24


Sattal   28.02.24

A tiny bird. One of my favourites of the whole trip!

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289.In258 Bonelli's Eagle  Aquila fasciata    


Chafi Area, Sattal        28.02.24

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290.In259 Common Chiffchaff  Phylloscopus collybita          


Chafi Area, Sattal        28.02.24

Common in the UK in Spring, but this was our first sighting of the year

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291.In260 Brown Dipper  Cinclus pallasii      


A bird we were very keen to see (it took two visits!), Chafi Area, Sattal        28.02.24

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292.In261 Rufous-breasted Accentor  Prunella strophiata       


And another Rufous, Chafi Area, Sattal        28.02.24

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293.In262 Slaty-blue Flycatcher  Ficedula tricolor           


A lovely  bird I think, Chafi Area, Sattal        28.02.24

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294.In263 Black-throated Thrush  Turdus atrogularis      


In deep shade, our only view, Sattal   28.02.24

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