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TonyQ's Big Year 2024


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257.In226 Blue Whistling Thrush  Myophonus caeruleus


It can look blue or black depending on the light, Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

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258.In227 Lineated Barbet  Psilopogon lineatus           


Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

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259.In228 Grey-headed Woodpecker  Picus canus 


Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

We saw this in all of the northern locations

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260.In229 Eurasian Sparrowhawk  Accipiter nisus           


One brief fly-past, Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

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261.In230 Himalayan Swiftlet  Aerodramus brevirostris     


Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

Very high, mega-crop. Seen while having late afternoon tea and snacks!

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Posted (edited)

262.In231 Asian Palm Swift  Cypsiurus balasiensis     

Probably a Red-rumped Swallow. (Thank you @PeterHG)

I will change the numbering for new posts


Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24        

Another mega-crop. Seen at the same time as the Swiftlet 

Edited by TonyQ
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263.In232 Pied Bush Chat  Saxicola caprata


Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

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264.In233 Slaty-headed Parakeet  Psittacula himalayana     


Vanghat Lodge           26.02.24

This is a male. Head is darker grey than female Plum-headed Parakeet and the beak is red.

The other difference - this has a yellow tail, the Plum-headed has a blue tail

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265.In234 Himalayan Rubythroat  Calliope pectoralis        


Vanghat Lodge           26.02.24


Vanghat Lodge           26.02.24

When we were in Corbett and Manila we searched hard for this bird in suitable environment, but with no luck.

Here this bird was a short distance from our room!


That finishes additions from Vanghat Lodge (20 new species added)

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20 new after 200 in India … Vanghat has delivered! 

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Really beautiful additions from Vanghat, @TonyQ! Are you sure about 262? It looks more like a red-rumped swallow than a palm swift to me

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yet another set of beautiful birds.

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@xelas @Kitsafarithankyou

@PeterHGthank you. I think you are right. I will. Change the numbering for the next posts.

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Peter Connan

Another batch of really beautiful birds!

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Peter Connanthank you


The next few are from the Kosi River near Ramnagar

262.In231 Little Ringed Plover  Charadrius dubius

(Number adjusted to correct for misidentification earlier)          



Kosi River, Ramnagar 26.02.24

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266.In235 Ibisbill  Ibidorhyncha struthersii    



Kosi River, Ramnagar 26.02.24


Kosi River, Ramnagar 26.02.24

A real star of a bird - our only sighting

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267.In236 Red-naped Ibis  Pseudibis papillosa           


Kosi River, Ramnagar 26.02.24

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Next we move to the Sattal area, a gain in altitude, but not as high as Manila. We stayed at BIrder's Den.


268.In237 Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher  Culicicapa ceylonensis          


Birder's Den, Sattal     26.02.24

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269.In238 Spotted Forktail  Enicurus maculatus           



Chafi Area, Sattal        27.02.24


Chafi Area, Sattal        27.02.24


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270.In239 Yellow-bellied Fantail  Chelidorhynx hypoxanthus  


Chafi Area, Sattal        27.02.24

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271.In240 Striated Laughingthrush  Grammatoptila striata


From our bedroom window, Birder's Den, Sattal     27.02.24

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272.In241 Great Barbet  Psilopogon virens  


Birder's Den Hide, Sattal        27.02.24

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273.In242 White-throated Laughingthrush  Pterorhinus albogularis          


Birder's Den Hide, Sattal        27.02.24

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274.In243 Common Green Magpie  Cissa chinensis        


Birder's Den Hide, Sattal        27.02.24  

A spectacular bird - our only sighting      

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What a beautiful batch again!

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