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TonyQ's Big Year 2024


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234.In03 Himalayan Buzzard  Buteo refectus           


The light was actually like that!, Manila Area     24.02.24

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235.In204 Common Pigeon/Feral Pigeon  Columba livia         


Manila Area     24.02.24

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236.In205 Grey-winged Blackbird  Turdus boulboul          


(M) Manila Area     23.02.24


(F) Manila Area     23.02.24

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237.In206 Barn Swallow  Hirundo rustica     


Manila Area     24.02.24

We saw a few flying, but this was the only photo I got of one!

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238.In207 Red-rumped Swallow  Cecropis daurica           


Manila Area     24.02.24


Manila Area     24.02.24

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239.In208 Pink-browed Rosefinch  Carpodacus rodochroa       


Manila Area     24.02.24

A prize-winning photo :D

But it does have distinctive markings and it was called by our guide. We also saw it better than I photographed it!

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240.In209 Himalayan Vulture  Gyps himalayensis           


Manila Area     24.02.24

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241.In210 Oriental Turtle Dove  Streptopelia orientalis         


Manila Area     24.02.24

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221.In211 Grey-hooded Warbler  Phylloscopus xanthoschistos           


Manila Area     24.02.24


Manila Area     24.02.24

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243.In212 Black-throated Bushtit  Aegithalos concinnus       


Manila Area     24.02.24

A lovely, tiny little bird

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244.In213 Himalayan/Striated Prinia  Prinia crinigera         


Manila Area     24.02.24

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245.In214 White-browed Shrike-babbler  Pteruthius aeralatus   


Manila Area     24.02.24


So that wraps up the Manila area. There were 29 additions from this area.

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29 beauties, Bushtit being the best!

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Excellent additions and congrats on hitting that 200 with a beautiful pheasant with an odd name - cheer? I googled - apparently it is also known as Chir or Wallich's pheasant. now it makes sense!


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@xelasthank you - we really liked the Bushtit as well!

@Kitsafarithank you


The next batch will be from Vanghat Lodge. We stayed for two nights. It is near the Corbett area and is at a lower altitude than Manila


246.In215 Plumbeous Water Redstart  Phoenicurus fuliginosus         


Vanghat Lodge           24.02.24


Juvenile, Vanghat Lodge           24.02.24

Very common on fast moving rivers and streams

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247.In216 Red-billed Leiothrix  Leiothrix lutea           


Vanghat Lodge           24.02.24


Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

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248.In217 Plum-headed Parakeet Psittacula cyanocephala 


(F) Vanghat Lodge           24.02.24


(M) Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

This was the most common of the Parakeets we saw on the northern part of the trip


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249.In218 Black Bulbul Hypsipetes leucocephalus           


Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

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250.In219 White-crested Laughingthrush  Garrulax leucolophus 


Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24


Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

A spectacular and noisy bird!

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251.In220 Blue-throated Barbet  Psilopogon asiaticus         


Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

A really beautiful Barbet

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252.In221 Grey Treepie  Dendrocitta formosae           


Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

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253.In222 Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler  Erythrogenys erythrogenys   


Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

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254.In223 Blue-winged Minla/Siva  Actinodura cyanouroptera


A really pretty little bird, Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

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255.In224 Common Emerald Dove  Chalcophaps indica  


Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

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256.In225 Orange-bellied Leafbird  Chloropsis hardwickii       


The only one we saw, Vanghat Lodge           25.02.24

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