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lovely shots Peter

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Peter Connan

Never seen a GCG out of the water before, and I never realized how short their tails are!

Lovely shot of a bird that always seems much shier over here than over there.

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Belatedgood wishes on your 300 and with such lovely birds too.

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Thank yoy @Tdgraves @Peter Connan @Galana.


This morning I spent some time in a marsh area adjacent to one of the big rivers. This is a spot where Black Terns and Purple Herons can be found every year as well as a host of reed-dwelling birds. Unfortunately there was too much wind for the warblers and bluethroats, but we did get the usual two. 


Already seen in Thailand / NL 81. Purple Heron. Zouweboezem, June.



306 / NL 82. Black tern. Zouweboezem, June.


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Great shots Peter : love the pictures of the Hobby ! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Thank you, @BRACQUENE


A few more outings since the weather improved produced at least a few new ones for the year.


307 / NL 84. Tree Pipit. Leersum, June



308 / NL 85. Common Swift. Arkemheen, June.



309 / NL86. Marsh warbler. Arkemheen, June. Very hard to tell apart from the Reed Warbler, but as it was singing, this was a definite ID.


Edited by PeterHG
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And some duplicates, but better shots than before:

Common Cuckoo



Western Marsh Harrier. Came quite close this time, so I could look into his eyes...



Grasshopper Warbler. Not shy at all.


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Nice weather makes for good photos. Great photographer makes them excellent!

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Peter Connan
20 minutes ago, xelas said:

Nice weather makes for good photos. Great photographer makes them excellent!



Great work Peter!

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A Grasshopper Warbler not shy? Quite incredible!


Great photos Peter!

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Excellent additions Peter ; love that Grasshopper Warbler ! 

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Stunning photos @PeterHG

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not many new addtions to be had in the nearby wetland, but I did score a few and as it was sunny and warm, it was a nice walk anyway


310 / NL 86. Ruff. Arkemheen, July. They do not breed here, but slowly they are already gathering for the autumn migration. Some of them still have the remains of the breeding plumage.



311 / N? 87. Eurasian Collared Dove. Arkemheen, July. Quite common in the city, but I do not see them often in the wetland area.



312 / NL 88. Common Starling. Arkemheen, July. Not even included so far, which shows my dedication this year :). They are present in large numbers, attracted by the brambles, that are covering ever greater parts of the water's edges. I spent some time trying to catch them in flight, preferably with a blackberry in their bill. As there is a cycling track along the water I thought it would also be a nice idea to catch both cyclists and starling in the same picture. That proved quite difficult, of course but finally one shot came out as I intended. A lot of luck was involved here, obviously. In spite of their abundance starlings look quite good with a bit of sunshine I think.











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Dedication is the path to success!

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Beautiful Starling photos Peter!

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Zim Girl

Brilliant starling pictures, Peter.  I love that you got the starling, the blackberry, and the cyclists all in the same picture!

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Stunning Starling photos - really excellent

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Peter Connan

Wow. Masterfull.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A few days later on the same walk, this time unplanned, another Starling flew across the cycle track. Well, strictly speaking it did not fly by itself, but was carried across by a friendly Sparrowhawk... ;)




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Some other birds were also willing to be photographed over the last few days and a few even added to the year list


313 / NL 89 Spotted Flycatcher. Flevoland, August. Never even saw one last year I think



314 / NL 90. Eurasian Reed Warbler. Flevoland, August. Although I had seen it on numerous occasions I did not manage a photo until now. Just in time, I suppose. as they will be leaving soon.



315 / NL 91. Common Snipe. Arkemheen, August. They usually turn up here in August, sometimes in quite large numbers.



316 / NL 92. Sand Martin. Flevoland, August. There were quite few of them, hunting for insects over the reeds. The house martins have gone by now, but the sand martins seem to stay around a little longer.



And a few nice duplicates:

Peregrine falcon. Not seen many this year and mostly distant.



Great Egret, when the sun was already setting. I darkened the shadows even more when post processing to create a nice atmosphere. It is common here, especially after the breeding season.



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Lucky .... Sparrowhak :rolleyes:! Excellent shot, great reflex. 

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Peter Connan

Excellent BIF's.

Especially the Snipe! 

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Great additions Mr. BIF!

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