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Zim Girl's 7th Big Year 2024

Zim Girl

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Zim Girl

UK 136.  European Greenfinch


Back garden  -  30/05/24

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Zim Girl

I spotted a GS Woodpecker in the front garden and rushed downstairs to get the camera.  When I looked again I could see two of them, a female was feeding a juvenile.  Taken through the window.


UK 137.  Great Spotted Woodpecker








Front garden  -  08/06/24


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I tried something similar in my garden a couple of weeks ago, but they were too skittish to photograph!

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Lovely series of the woodpeckers!

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enjoyed the good set of woodpeckers. 

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Agree, those feeding moments are always lovely to watch. :)

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Great set of woodpeckers ! 

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A great Woodpecker series, and the Coal TIt photo is beautiful

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Zim Girl

Thanks @TonyQ.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Zim Girl

It's that quiet time of year, so I am posting a few that I doubt I will improve on.  There is also another lifer.  We have been following up on sightings of some of the less common waders in the area, but usually awful weather and really distant.  Then to finish, a couple of youngsters.


UK 138.  Eurasian Blackcap


Stanley Park  -  16/04/24


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Zim Girl

UK 139.  Common Whitethroat


Marton Mere nature reserve  -  01/05/24


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Zim Girl

UK 140.  Common Buzzard


Whitbarrow Fell, Cumbria  -  20/04/24


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Zim Girl

You either have to be very lucky or wait for several hours in a hide to see one of these.  This sighting was a lucky one earlier in the year but I was hoping for better so hence also waiting for hours in a hide to no avail.


UK 141.  Eurasian Bittern




RSPB Leighton Moss  -  11/05/24


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Zim Girl

Tried a couple of times for this bird as it was reported to be changing into summer plumage.  Could only get it on a very rainy day and a long way off.


UK 142.  Ruff


Conder Green  -  29/06/24


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Zim Girl

This is the lifer.  Again, a very long way off but definitely confirmed by a birdwatcher in the hide who let us see it through her scope.


UK 143.  Wood Sandpiper



In a different light and area of the pool.


RSPB Leighton Moss  -  13/07/24


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Zim Girl

Another rainy day wader.  These are reasonably common but as usual a long way off.


UK 144.  Common Greenshank


Conder Green  -  27/07/24


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Zim Girl

Something a bit brighter to finish on.


This very friendly young Wheatear was flying around us on top of one of the Lakes summits last month.




The Knott, Eastern Fells  -  15/07/24


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Zim Girl
Posted (edited)

And some cute mute swan cygnets on the canal.

All alert when they thought they might get some food.


And back to sleep when they realised they weren't.


Lancaster Canal  -  27/07/24


Edited by Zim Girl
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Congrats on your lifer. Surprised it is a Wood Sandpiper though - a fairly common migrant here, apparently not in the UK?

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3 hours ago, michael-ibk said:

Congrats on your lifer. Surprised it is a Wood Sandpiper though - a fairly common migrant here, apparently not in the UK?

Funny you should say, but I saw one yesterday and again, it was a uk lifer for me too!

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I have only ever seen one in the UK (2017)

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Zim Girl
On 8/10/2024 at 4:32 PM, Tdgraves said:

Funny you should say, but I saw one yesterday and again, it was a uk lifer for me too!


On 8/10/2024 at 6:03 PM, TonyQ said:

I have only ever seen one in the UK (2017)


I think that answers your question @michael-ibk:).

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Peter Connan
20 hours ago, Zim Girl said:



I think that answers your question @michael-ibk:).

In which case, well done!

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