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Jim's 1st (full) year


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a good collection! the linnet is so pretty.

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That tree stump certainly was a photogenic perch, if only for the squirrel and the chaffinch. I agree on the linnet: lovely shots! 

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Agree about the Linnet, and really like those Squirrel shots. :)

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I'm afraid I've neglected this corner of ST before/during/after my Zambia trip. It's still going to be a while before I've sorted through all photos and completed a trip report, then I believe I'll have about 110 to add to BY. In the meantime I'll post my first Zambia bird as a teaser - and one I really wasn't expecting in late-June.


BY52/ZA1: Southern carmine bee-eater (Merops nubicoides) - 21 Jun 2024

South Luangwa National Park, Zambia


When planning the trip there were a lot of considerations and compromises to be made on timing. I was aware (and slightly disappointed) that June was too early for them to be nesting in South Luangwa, and was not expecting to see any at all. This specimen surprised us one evening as we drove from Flatdogs toward the Nkwali pontoon crossing, perching on the overhead cables not far from camp. As we watched two others appeared nearby. Our guide Jabes explained that a small number not strong enough to make the trip may remain behind each year to join next year's migration. He was still quite surprised himself to see these.






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An excellent introduction tothe BY/birding part of your recent trip.

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One of my very favourite birds, great you got to see it!

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A beautiful start and I’m looking forward to the remaining 109!

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Excellent choice! I always enjoy seeing this elegant bird. 

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