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...shows promise but needs to try harder


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1 hour ago, PeterHG said:

Your visits to promising places have been hampered by the weather this year,


I don't think I'm the only one to face challenges from the weather. Yesterday was the first day since 26 May when it has not rained on me.

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I am always sorry to read of friends that suffer the vagaries of the weather system when they visit.

The only answer is to go back and try again. I suffered equally with you on a daily basis and even staying longer hardly changed things. Hardly a day without some rain in a month. Dash me if yesterday was not the best day of the 28, and this was destined to be the day we  drove down from Kincraig to Heysham for our ferry home. (Not rubbing it in but time permitted , I ahem...drive rather swiftly, so I took a couple of hours at Leighton Moss and out to Sunderland Point and focussing was hard due to solar glare in the late afternoon.)

But as said, try and try again. Look at the four weeks of constant sunshine I enjoyed last year.

And there is something to be proud of when, despite the conditions, you can produce results like those you have posted.

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