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Belated BY - 6th year! Herman&Kit


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11 hours ago, PeterHG said:

Did you really write that ? A whole lot of beautiful birds and excellent photos, too ! It’s a shame that mature trees are being chopped and as a result fewer birds visit the neighbourhood, but it’s still an impressive variety. 


I know I know - seeing them year in and year out has made us take them for granted! I promise to work harder in the garden in 2024!


Thanks much @PeterHG @TonyQ @michael-ibk 

(psst I think the blackbird is cute)

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Congratulations with a magnificent 500 and what beautiful birds to get there !! 

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I'll post Herman's Singapore birds by batches.


525. Ashy Minivet 


An annual migratory species



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526. Grey Nightjar


Also a migratory visitor.



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391. Chinese Pond Heron


Already in my HK count, but Herman caught it in its early breeding plumage. 




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527.  Javan Pond Heron


Pond herons are migratory species in Singapore but when they are in non-breeding coats, there is really no way of telling the difference between the species. It's only when they develop the breeding plumage that their true beauty emerges. 

These were taken in the last migration season before the pond herons prepared to return to their breeding grounds. 





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528. Indian Cuckoo





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529. Large Hawk Cuckoo


as its name says, it's a larger sized cuckoo - also migratory like the other cuckoos (except for little bronze and the plaintive)





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530. Malaysian Hawk Cuckoo



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531. Plaintive Cuckoo


I love its call. 



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532. Rusty-breasted Cuckoo



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533. Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo



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534. Little Bronze Cuckoo


A small cuckoo with a sharp clear song is a resident in our neighbourhood






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535. Large-tailed Nightjar



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331. Savannah Nightjar


Already in the Bali count, this is a resident bird. 



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The Cuckoos are wonderful! 

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Thank you @michael-ibk @TonyQ @PeterHG


Next batch: 


536. Banded Bay Cuckoo






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470. Abbott's Babbler


counted in the Vietnam list



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390. Little Grebe


already in the HK count but better photos from Herman



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313. Black Swan

312. Mute Swan


Counted in the UK list. Introduced to Singapore during the colonised days by the British. 





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537. Black-and-red Broadbill





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538. Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot



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539. Oriental Dollarbird






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