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Belated BY - 6th year! Herman&Kit


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In September, a rare appearance of an eagle owl in the north-eastern state of Malaysia called Perlis prompted Herman to take a weekend trip up north with some birding friends. I didn't have any leave left so couldn't join him to find what would also have been my lifer. He also saw a few other species in Perlis. 


456. Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike, Perlis




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457. Black-crested Bulbul, Perlis



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315. Black-thighed Falconet, Perlis


Already in the Bali count, the falconet has a relatively wide distribution in Southeast Asia. It is a rare visitor to Singapore. 





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458. Blue-eared Barbet, Perlis



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459. Bronze-winged Jacana, Perlis



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460. Red-throated Barbet, Perlis



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and yes the eagle-owl did turn up, of all places, at a high tree fronting a touristy platform where a busker was blasting music and tourists were busy with selfies and wefies. The pair of eagle-owls seemed to enjoy the noisy bustling ambiance. 


461. Dusky Eagle-owl, Perlis




Taking a closer look


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To end the Malaysian sections are two special birds - pittas are always special in my book!


462. Malayan Banded Pitta, Lenggor


This truly beautiful pitta was a lifer for Herman, and the very accommodating pitta was fairly easily seen in Lenggor earlier this year in April. Since then, there hasn't been much mention of it so it must have either moved on (we hope) or poached/taken (we hope not). The Malayan banded pitta is on the Near Threatened status on the IUCN Redlist. 






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463. Garnet Pitta, Lenggor


I wasn't on this particular visit so I was thoroughly jealous Herman saw this pitta - which would have been a lifer for both of us. Also on the IUCN's Near Threatened status, this gem of a pitta is not commonly seen and - like all pittas - extremely shy and skittish. 





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argh forgot this one: 


464. Orange-breasted Trogon,  Perlis



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and a bonus mammal - the White-handed Gibbon, Perlis



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Amazing birds, even more amazing shots!

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Just a wonderful collection, Kit - and Herman of course! Excellent photos. I really must visit your corner of the world!

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I was going to say that the Whiskered TreeSwift stole the show and then you went and posted two Pittas AND a Trogon. Overwhelmed. The gibbon is a bonus for me too.

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You have ended your Malaysia show with a bang! Just beautiful.

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A truly amazing collection of beauties you have shown us: the Treeswift, the Eagle Owls, Trogon and Pittas. All expertly photographed by Herman as he usually does. I’m sorry you missed some of them. 

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thank you @Peter Connan @michael-ibk @Galana @xelas @TonyQ @PeterHG

3 hours ago, PeterHG said:

A truly amazing collection of beauties you have shown us: the Treeswift, the Eagle Owls, Trogon and Pittas. All expertly photographed by Herman as he usually does. I’m sorry you missed some of them. 


Thanks peter. It's alright as I saw other species that he didn't, although my photos aren't as good as his.  :)  I"m better at EBCs. :lol:

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And now the quality takes a dip!


I took a quick 6-day break to Danang, Vietnam, combining work and leisure that specifically didn't include any strenous activity such as Birding! but there were a handful of birds at the Lang Co resort I stayed at, which was a reason to return. 


465. Blue-throated Bee-eater, Lang Co


Loads of them, including juves




The bee-eaters were all on the sand at the beach early in the morning. 






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466. Sooty-headed Bulbul, Lang Co


with its red vent, the sooty-headed bulbul looks almost like the red-vented bulbul, except that the black on its head ends at the throat and neck while the red-vented bulbul's black extends all the way down to the throat. 



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467.  Stripe-throated Bulbul, Lang Co



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468. Greater Coucal, Lang Co


The juvenile flew into an area across the pond from my room at the resort. 



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405. Oriental Magpie-Robin, Lang Co

Already in the HK count




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469. Long-tailed Shrike, Lang Co


Not showing as well as last year. 



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A wonderful collection of birds to start my day at the seaside:)

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