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Belated BY - 6th year! Herman&Kit


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440. Streaked Bulbul, Lenggor




Edited by Kitsafari
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364. Velvet-fronted Nuthatch, Lenggor


an improved shot of the nuthatch, already in the count for HK. 



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441. Wallace Hawk-eagle, Lenggor



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442. White-bellied Erponis, Lenggor



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443. White-necked Babbler, Lenggor



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444. White-rumped Shama, Lenggor



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445. Wrinkled Hornbill, Lenggor







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446. Yellow-bellied Bulbul, Lenggor



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447. Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker, Lenggor



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3 hours ago, Kitsafari said:

Low light and distance meant even Herman's camera struggled!

Such a rarity ... seeing that even Herman sometimes struggles with distance and light :D.  All other beauties are up to Herman's high standards. But the light in Malaysia is not as favourable as the light in South Africa?

Edited by xelas
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Dave Williams
On 12/8/2023 at 7:37 AM, Kitsafari said:

406. Chinese Huamei


Sneaking in my best stab at a pure EBC, this very very skittish bird just took off when I raised my camera - and I was hidden by a glass panel too! its distinctive eye pattern can just be made out. I've never seen a huamei in the wild before (only caged ones or escapees) which is a reason why I'm unabashedly adding it to my count. 





 This is a brilliant EBC. Has all the needed detail to confirm it's ID ( I googled it as it's a species I have never heard of) but a perfectly bad shot too as nothing is in focus!!

My EBC of the year


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I find it amazing that the two of you still consider it worth while coming here when you have such incredibly beautiful and colorful birds virtually on your doorstep!

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Had to edit #425 which should have been Little Green Pigeon and not Little Cuckoo Dove. too much cuckoo in the brain cells. 


@xelasthe grey skies and thick cover of the forest in Malaysia certainly didn't help with a black bird! :lol:


3 hours ago, Dave Williams said:

 This is a brilliant EBC. Has all the needed detail to confirm it's ID ( I googled it as it's a species I have never heard of) but a perfectly bad shot too as nothing is in focus!!

My EBC of the year



@Dave Williams thank you. isn't it weird and crazy to thank someone for saying the photo was a perfectly bad shot??!! ^_^

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Just now, Peter Connan said:

I find it amazing that the two of you still consider it worth while coming here when you have such incredibly beautiful and colorful birds virtually on your doorstep!


@Peter Connan what - and miss seeing those big magnificent raptors and big cats and big rhinos over there? No Way!

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An absolutely stunning collection of birds. Beautiful birds, beautiful photos 

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Again a beautiful collection of birds, both in the variety of species and in the way they were photographed !

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448. Orange-bellied Flowerpecker, Lenggor



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449. Banded Broadbill, Panti



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450. Buff-rumped Woodpecker, Panti




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451. Buff-vented Bulbul, Panti



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452. Cream-vented Bulbul, Panti


Also seen in Lenggor, but getting rather uncommon in Singapore.



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453. Purple-naped Spiderhunter, Panti



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454. Yellow-eared Spiderhunter, Panti



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455. Whiskered Treeswift, Panti


Also seen in Lenggor, but this was closer



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