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Belated BY - 6th year! Herman&Kit


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415. Chestnut-bellied Malkoha, Lenggor



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416. Chestnut-breasted Malkoha



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417. Crested Jayshrike, Lenggor


Finally, my first sighting of the bird after hearing its striking calls in the past. 





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418. Crimson-breasted Flowerpecker, Lenggor




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419. Dark-throated Oriole, Lenggor




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420. Finsch's Bulbul, Lenggor


A first for me. 



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421. Grey-bellied Bulbul, Lenggor



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422. Grey-breasted Spiderhunter, Lenggor



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423. Hume's White-eye



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424. Lesser Green Leafbird, Lenggor


On the Near Threatened status in the IUCN redlist.



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425. LIttle Green Pigeon, Lenggor


the brighter male




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426. Black Magpie, Lenggor


Commonly referred to as the Malayan Black Magpie, the species is not a magpie or a jay, but a  treepie. found only in the Southeast Asia region of Thailand extending to Sumatra and Borneo. 




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427. Maroon-breasted Philentoma, Lenggor


Found only in Southeast Asia, it is not an easy task to sight or photograph this dark looking small bird in the dense and low-light forest. 



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428. Plain Sunbird, Lenggor



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429. Raffles Malkoha, Lenggor



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430. Red-bearded Bee-eater, Lenggor


Finally, after eluding us for so long, we get our first sighting of this brightly coloured bee-eater but it made a lightning stop in a branch in front of us and flew off before I could get a decent shot of it. Thank goodness for H!





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431. Red-billed Malkoha, Lenggor



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432. Red-throated Sunbird, Lenggor


when seen in the dark, this sunbird can look very similar to the brown-throated sunbird but the latter does not (usually) occur in Lenggor. So that can help a bit with the ID. 





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433. Rufous Piculet, Lenggor




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434. Rufous-winged Philentoma, Lenggor




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435. Scarlet-rumped Trogon, Lenggor





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436. Sooty Barbet, Lenggor



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437. Sooty-capped Barbet, Lenggor




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438. Spectacled Bulbul, Lenggor



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439. Spectacled Spiderhunter, Lenggor



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