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Belated BY - 6th year! Herman&Kit


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366. Little Egret



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367. Speckled Piculet


An EBC of a very small woodpecker that is fast and active, and a tough subject that doesn't perch long enough for a few shots. Distributed from the Himalayan region to China, down to Indochina, northern Thailand and Malaysia, and parts of Sumatra. The bird has olive-yellow wings with black-spotted white breast and belly, with a brownish and white head. 



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368. Black-winged Cuckooshrike



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369. Blue-winged Minla



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370. Rufous-capped Babbler



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371. Pygmy Cupwing


Ebird describes it quite aptly : "Essentially a tiny brown tennis ball supported by tiny chopsticks. Dark brown above with densely packed black-and-white scaling on the underside." always skulking in the thick and dark bushes. 



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372. Grey-chinned Minivet







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45. Scarlet Minivet


Already in my count, but adding for a comparison with the grey-chinned minivet. 







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373. Fork-tailed Sunbird


You can just see the fork tail which only the male possesses. Found in China down to Vietnam. 



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374. Grey-headed Lapwing





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375. Red-throated Pipit


As you can see, that twit of a photographer continued walking towards the pipit even though he could clearly see me taking photographs. as a result the pipit ran into the bushes and didn't come out again. 



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376. Yellow-bellied Prinia



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377. Long-tailed Shrike



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378. Oriental Reed Warbler


An EBC shot - Hopefully Herman has a better shot of it in Singapore



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379. Black-browed Warbler


a more cooperative warbler!



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380. Little Ringed Plover



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I love your EBCs. They break up the sequence of excellent shots.

Looks like Hong Kong was productive. Well done.

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Agree, some very interesting birds, and excellent photos. Agree with Fred, the BY would be half as much fun without a few ebcs. Tiny Cupwing is a funny name!

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THanks @Galana @michael-ibk I was quite pleased with my EBCs, just shows how perfectly imperfect I am. :lol:

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381.  Eastern Yellow Wagtail





At the end of the day, my guide Matthew spotted a very yellow wagtail at a far distance. This is of the Macronix or Manchusian race, which is more yellow on its underparts and has a greenish greyish head with no yellow supercilium. 





Edited by Kitsafari
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382. Red-collared Dove





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383. Temminck's Stint



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384. Light-vented Bulbul


A rather dull bulbul that occurs mainly in Greater China area. 



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385. Common Greenshank






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386. Wood Sandpiper



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