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Belated BY - 6th year! Herman&Kit


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318. Chestnut-headed Bee-eater

This was a lifer species for us both even though the bee-eater is distributed from the Indian sub-continent to Southeast Asia, excluding Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines. 



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319. Common Iora

Looking rather bedraggled as it had taken a bath at the waterhole. 



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320. Freckle-breasted Woodpecker


Distributed in Indochina and northern Thailand to Java, skipping Malaysia, Borneo and Sumatra. 




Feeding the chick


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I’m glad the birding at least didn’t disappoint. Beautiful shots there!

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12 hours ago, Kitsafari said:

Thanks @michael-ibk.  the cliffs with the seabirds was quite an experience for us. I hadn't realise that crossbills were that tough to get as @TonyQ had said so we were very lucky to see it, even at a distance. 


It's a good reminder that I really should spend more time exploring my home country. I'm so intent on seeing exotic species in far-flung parts of the world I forget how much wildlife we have here in the UK. You've seen/photographed far more UK birds than I've seen in my lifetime here.

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@JimS Knowing that we had only a limited number of days to bird in the UK sure spurred us to "work hard" to get those birds! you have 366 days next year (its a leap year - so a bonus day for BY!) in the UK to leisurely get those buggers. :lol: 

Edited by Kitsafari
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Thanks @PeterHG


321. Fulvous-chested Jungle Flycatcher





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322. Brown Honeyeater

Also called Indonesian Honeyeater, it is the part of the honeyeater family that is found mainly in Australasia and New Guinea. The brown honeyeater is the only honeyeater species found in Bali and is one of two honeyeater species found west of the Wallace line (the other honeyeater species is Sunda Honeyeater which is found only in the islands of Lombok Sumbawa, and Flores. 





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323. Lesser Cuckooshrike



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324. Little Black Cormorant



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325. Little Pied Cormorant





Little Pied with the Little Black CormorantDSC07445littlepied-blackcormorant.JPG.a2d6383f39af581b733517662a393c1d.JPG

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326. Orange-breasted Green Pigeon



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327. Pied Stilt





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328. Racket-tailed Treepie



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329. Red-necked Stint



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330. Sacred Kingfisher


A more "delicate" looking bird than the Collared Kingfisher. Apparently, it is named sacred because this kingfisher often inhabits burial grounds and was not allowed to be killed or trapped. 





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Me too! Everything looks better in your corner if the world, even Pigeons. Beautiful additions. 

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331. Savanna Nightjar



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332. Yellow-vented Bulbul


Plenty in my garden, but it seems I forgot to take a shot of them. So one slightly backlit bird in Bali will suffice for now. 




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333. White-breasted Woodswallow


An EBC and distant shot of one perched on a wire while we were waiting in the hide for an endemic. We didn't see it thereafter. The species ranges from Indonesia and the Philippines down to Australia. 






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