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Belated BY - 6th year! Herman&Kit


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You´ve been busy Kit. Lots of great additions, very enjoyabla to see our birds with a different perspective!

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On 10/31/2023 at 3:02 PM, xelas said:

It is not a Pipit. When in doubt, and without an expert to ask, I usually use Merlin Bird ID app to narrow down my choices, instead of flipping through thick Bird guide book(s).



well Merlin Bird ID was of no help, it gave eurasian coot or a greater scaup as options and even i know that bird does not in any way look a dot like those two. so i've thrown out merlin ID altogether. 


the guide had suggested meadow pipit after ruling out rock pipit but the latter isn't at that spot in summer. 

My only option for that first bird is skylark which is already at number 245. I'll take out that photo in any case, bowing to your better knowledge since you guys live in that latitude! 



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Thanks @michael-ibk


I've been in HK for the last one week and will only be back  home on Thursday, so updating the list will be sporadic till then. 



271. Sand Martin, Minsmere




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272. Sandwich Tern, Minsmere



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273. Sedge Warbler Titchwell


This accommodating warbler popped up a couple of times from the reeds







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274. Song Thrush, Minsmere



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275. Western Marsh Harrier, Minsmere


Flying against the existing nuclear power plant





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276. White/Pied Wagtail, Minsmere



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277. Tawny Owl, Sculthorpe


Our lifer - we couldn't find the owls initially but luckily found a ranger who was showing the juveniles to another group. The ranger was actually there to shoo us out of the  park as it was near closing time but we took our time to take photos of the cute juves. didn't see the adults. 








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After the three-day guiding by Chris, we drove up to Bridlington where we stayed at Manor House. Not as swanky as the previous accommodation but it was spacious and clean and comfortable. 

Rich brought us to Bempton Cliffs on the first of two days of guiding, and we had a super time even if it was a vast area to cover. It got very crowded during lunch since our visit coincided with a long weekend and the start of the school holidays. The winds were very strong but that brought out the northern gannets and kittiwakes to the air, so we had great sightings of hundreds if not thousands of gannets winging in the winds. 


278. Barn Owl, Bempton Cliffs


we couldn't see the owl on the first day, perhaps because the park was so crowded with people but we returned at the close of the day the following day and watched it hunt for a short period. 






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279. Barn Swallow, northern Yorkshire



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280. Black-legged Kittiwake, Bempton Cliffs






nesting precariously on the cliff face 


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Good to see you got the skylark at last.


Some excellent shots in this batch. Photoshop would change the Power Station to a full moon and make one heck of a great photo.

Lucky you with two species of Owl.

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Super cute Tawny Owl chicks, and well done with the Barn Owl 

Also a great Marsh Harrier and Sedge Warbler.

You certainly saw a good selection of birds in the UK

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As lifers go, that's a great one and a stunning sighting!

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Great sightings and photos of the owls! I’ve never seen a hunting Barn Owl

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Beautiful collection @Galana! but you have added more to my count (550 - wow you're racing well ahead now) than your own! I;m unsure how to move your post to your BY thread so I'm seeking the help of @wilddog or @Tdgraves

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1 hour ago, Tdgraves said:



thank you.

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Love the Owls! 

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10 hours ago, Galana said:



Hey @Galana somehow you posted your last 10 BY birds to #550 in my BY thread. @Tdgraveshas moved them to where it belongs - in your BY thread. ;) 

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281. Common Guillemot, Bempton


A sparse number of bridled guillemots, not considered as a sub-species but as another form, were also seen with the hundreds and hundreds of common guillemots along the cliffs. 






A bridled with a white eye-ring that extends into a thin line to the back of the head. 


Edited by Kitsafari
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282. Great Cormorant, Bempton



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283. Jackdaw, Bempton



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