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Belated BY - 6th year! Herman&Kit


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256. Greater Whitethroat, Snettisham Beach


a tough subject to photograph and I totally missed a shot but luckily Herman faster than me! 



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257. Great Spotted Woodpecker


Not sure about the location as this was the day we were travelling up to Bridlington. We did see the species at Forge Valley a couple of days later. 

We saw a Green woodpecker on the ground along the road to Minsmere on our second day but of course when we stopped and got our cameras out, it had vanished into the trees and we couldn't find it again. :( 



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258. Great Tit, Minsmere



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259. Greylag Goose, Minsmere/Kensington Park







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260. Grey Partridge, Holkam nature reserve



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Lucky you with Grey Partridge. I have not seen one for years.

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3 minutes ago, Galana said:

Lucky you with Grey Partridge. I have not seen one for years.



yes we were very lucky. once we parked, the car park supervisor told us the partridges were seen very often at the field next to the car park. then he said there they are - and pointed them out, among the rabbits and wood pigeons all sunning themselves. 


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I can see why even a lifer for Herman failed to excite the UK birders, but I must say I alway consider the Garganey a good find. And you did very well on some other species too, like the Turtle Dove and the Partridge. It’s been some time since I’ve seen either of them.

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Dave Williams

Turtle Dove and Grey Partridge are very special and excellent finds. 

Yes, interesting to read your opinion on some of our birds! 

Wood Pigeons ...pretty? If you say so! I'm happy when one gets taken out by the local Sparrowhawks as they defecate in the the bird bath leaving it for other birds to suffer. What kind of creature does that!!!!

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Lovely Grey Partridge - I think we saw them from the same car park in April!. Turtle Dove is a great spot.


34 minutes ago, Dave Williams said:


Wood Pigeons I'm happy when one gets taken out by the local Sparrowhawks as they defecate in the the bird bath leaving it for other birds to suffer. What kind of creature does that!!!!


Dave, Humans do it all the time in the UK "More than 384,000 discharges of raw sewage were reported by water companies across England and Wales in 2022" What kind of creature does that!!!!

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I also like the turtle dove and grey partridge.  I have never seen either of those birds.

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17 hours ago, Dave Williams said:

Turtle Dove and Grey Partridge are very special and excellent finds. 

Yes, interesting to read your opinion on some of our birds! 

Wood Pigeons ...pretty? If you say so! I'm happy when one gets taken out by the local Sparrowhawks as they defecate in the the bird bath leaving it for other birds to suffer. What kind of creature does that!!!!



Hippos! and the Javan mynas - in the IUCN Redlist's vunerable status - do that too in the water bowl we leave for the birds in the garden. :lol: 

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Thanks @Galana @PeterHG @Dave Williams @TonyQ @Zim Girl


We hadn't realise that turtle doves and grey partridges were that difficult to see. @Zim Girl if you do make your way to Holkam nature reserve, park at the Holkham Nature Reserve Pay and Display Car Park. Tthe partridges were seen on the field on the right side, close to the horizontal thick bush line. the pair walked fairly close to the car park giving us quite good views. We found a wren and a potential nesting area among the trees on the first left path as we walked past the gates.   

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261. Herring Gull, Dunwich





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262. House Sparrow, Dunwich



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263. Lesser Whitethroat, Snettisham Beach



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264. Little Stint, Titchwell


A thousand miles away but for the sharp eyes of Chris which spotted this tiny pair feeding at the water's edge. 




just an idea of how difficult it was to spot them: 


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265. Long-tailed Tit, Titchwell 


A far improved sighting of this cute little tit from our Catalonian trip. 



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266. Meadow Pipit, Dunwich/ Bempton Cliffs


The pipit was foraging among the pretty wildflowers inside the high banks of Dunwich Beach.

(BTW the cafe Flora Tea Rooms at Dunwich Beach served a mean fish and chips which we thoroughly enjoyed)







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267. Northern Shoveller, Titchwell





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268. Pied Avocet, Titchwell


Quite a few seen at Titchwell, some with chicks. 





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269. Red Kite, Briarsfield Hotel 



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270. Sanderling, Titchwell beach


we couldn't find any other species on the beach, except the sanderlings, which was disappointing. The winds weren't particularly strong but strong enough for me to stay out of the beach while Chris and Herman went "hunting".




a flock of sanderlings further out




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Some good sots there. May I suggest that you take another look at the first of your Meadow Pipits?

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It is not a Pipit. When in doubt, and without an expert to ask, I usually use Merlin Bird ID app to narrow down my choices, instead of flipping through thick Bird guide book(s).

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