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Belated BY - 6th year! Herman&Kit


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Wow, wonderful final three to reach 200. Well done to you and Herman.

Where did he go in Sabah?


Have a great time in Bali

Edited by TonyQ
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2 hours ago, TonyQ said:

Wow, wonderful final three to reach 200. Well done to you and Herman.

Where did he go in Sabah?


Have a great time in Bali


@TonyQ He was at Kinabalu park, Trusmardi and Gunung Alab. 




Edited by Kitsafari
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A great run up to your 2nd Century. Congratulations.

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Fantastic bird collection so far! Kenya, Borneo, Bali ... and retirement. What a year!!

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Incredible run-up and double! Wowee!

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Congrats on a magnificent #200! As always, excellent work by Herman on the Borneo birds. A lot of spectacular species there!

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Lovely birds and pictures to hit the 200 with!

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Just beautiful all of them, but 198 to 200 are outstanding. Congrats on #200, and enjoy your getaway! 

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Thank you everyone!

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201. Crested Partridge



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202. Red-breasted Partridge



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203. Nankeen Night Heron



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204. Oriental Magpie Robin (Black)


The sub-species in Sabah has an all black front while that in peninsular Malaysia and Singapore has a black chest and a white belly. does that call for a future split? 



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205. Pale-faced Bulbul

a split from the flavescent bulbul which has a less pale face. Found only in East Malaysia.




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206. Penan Bulbul


More bulbuls for @xelas....


Its range is only in Borneo.


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207. Plumed-toed Swiftlet



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208. Rufous-chested Flycatcher 

Distributed only in Peninsular and eastern Malaysia as well as Indonesia





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209. Snowy-browed Flycatcher





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210. Sunda Bush Warbler



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211. Sunda Cuckoo



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212. Sunda Laughingthrush



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213. Temminck's Babbler



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214. Temminck's Sunbird



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