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Belated BY - 6th year! Herman&Kit


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182. Bornean Flowerpecker


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183. Bornean Green Magpie



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184. Bornean Treepie



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185.  Bornean Whistler



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186. Bornean Whistling Thrush



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Just caught up with your BY.  So many beautiful birds and almost at the 200 mark already!  Herman is doing really well with the new camera, some excellent pictures of the Kenyan birds.

Also looking forward to see how you got on over here.

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Excellent birds from Japan despite the camera problems.

Beautiful birds from Borneo (we weren’t into birding when we went- an opportunity missed!)

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Thanks @Zim Girl and @TonyQ . The UK segment will be next after the sabah one. 


Tony - time to return to Borneo with a slant to birding! Danum Valley is said to have 8 species of pittas with some of them elusive. I wish we had known that when we were there years ago, but it was pre-birding years for us then.  

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187. Chestnut-crested Yuhina



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188. Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush



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189. Dayak Blue Flycatcher






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190. Everett's Thrush



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191.  Eyebrowed Jungle Flycatcher




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192. Golden-naped Barbet



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193. Grey-throated Babbler



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194. Grey-hooded Babbler



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195. Indigo Flycatcher




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196. Little Pied Flycatcher







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Wow! Beautiful birds and magnificent photography!

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Ditto from me.

Waiting for the magic 200 soon.

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Much appreciated @Peter Connan and @Galana

I had initially thought i'll keep the next 10 for another time, but we're heading out early tomorrow morning to Bali for a 4-day birding tour and another 2-3 day birthday chillout. so best I put up the next few to hit the 200th. 


197.  Mountain Wren Babbler




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The problem was - which species will make the 200th? there were three candidates, then two. Herman finally made the decision and i'll use the other two to build to this year's 200th. 


198. Bornean Banded Pitta

I was so jealous of this as pittas is one of my favourite species and these are the typical gorgeous specimens.


male: BorneanBandedPitta(M).jpg.2e45c62c9ba287b8442c5c196dcd78f8.jpg





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199. Whitehead's Trogon

This was one of the three Whitehead's star/specialty birds in Sabah (The other two are Whitehead's spiderhunter and whitehead's Broadbill which Herman didn't get on this trip - good reason to return with me of course). another gorgeous bird. 




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200. Bulwer's Pheasant


This is an uncommon medium sized pheasant - very shy and skittish and not easily seen. The male specimen is just unbelievable - it has a massive snow-white tail that can fan out like ostrich feathers from a rotound black body. It's on the IUCN Redlist's vulnerable status. Heavily hunted, its numbers are thought to be between 1,000 and 10,000 but not much is known about its population status. Found only in Borneo. 




Edited by Kitsafari
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