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Tdgraves smaller big year 2023


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A good total for that trip with some great sightings and photos

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3 hours ago, xelas said:

Excellent result, so many great photos, and you had a lovely weather.

Fog? Clouds? Wind?!…


thanks Alex and Tony

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22 hours ago, Tdgraves said:

Fog? Clouds? Wind?!…

None of those were seen on my screen :D

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OK so back to the UK. Took a couple of trips before finding any to post. But here is a lifer!


Grafham Water, 6/10/23


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 640, f7.1, 1/1600


53240834471_10af7036b7_k.jpgD14I8239 by tdgraves, on Flickr


365) Caspian gull

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Grafham Water, 6/10/23


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 400, f7.1, 1/1600


53241117748_6ff09a030e_k.jpgD14I7993 by tdgraves, on Flickr


366) Green sandpiper

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Grafham Water, 6/10/23


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 500, f7.1, 1/2000


53239947347_6b7982c5cb_k.jpgD14I7980 by tdgraves, on Flickr


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1000, f7.1, 1/2500


53241075769_aa59db8f3a_k.jpgD14I7872 by tdgraves, on Flickr


367) Eurasian teal

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A great haul from South Africa. Many beautiful photos, I particularly liked the Brown-Hooded KF sequence. I need to get one of these bird nerd stickers. :D

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The law of diminishing returns now - getting 0-1 per walk...


Milton Country Park, Cambridgeshire, UK 10/10/23


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1600, f5.6, 1/1000


53250573453_fd9c9858d0_k.jpgD14I8409 by tdgraves, on Flickr


369) Grey wagtail

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There is always the chance of nice duplicates there though, if the sun is out


53250777555_a9fc9e0e1d_k.jpgD14I8430 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53250638864_581ff756f0_k.jpgD14I8450 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53250778345_7134e530ce_k.jpgD14I8456 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53249398857_84b1e87785_k.jpgD14I8459 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53249399702_4faa5defc8_k.jpgD14I8463 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53249400052_f1cc56d533_k.jpgD14I8475 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53250278266_62075be170_k.jpgD14I8490 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53250281901_0ec43a714a_k.jpgD14I8538 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53250786495_40a2854e00_k.jpgD14I8554 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53250789280_85d314348d_k.jpgD14I8583 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53250287141_c693f3c2a7_k.jpgD14I8598 by tdgraves, on Flickr


There are quite a few of these guys as well..


53250640634_83703eb4d3_k.jpgD14I8480 by tdgraves, on Flickr

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Berry Fen, Cambridgeshire, UK 17/10/23


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1250, f7.1, 1/8000


53265494716_dd3bf6c0e0_k.jpgD14I8633 by tdgraves, on Flickr


370) Common snipe

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A bit of an EBC, but my first photo ever


Berry Fen, Cambridgeshire, UK 17/10/23


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1250, f7.1, 1/160


53265976645_af915cad8d_k.jpgD14I8817 by tdgraves, on Flickr


371) Cetti's warbler

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I've hardly seen any of these this year. There were a pair but they were very shy...


RSPB Ouse Fen, Cambridgeshire, UK 22/10/23


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1600, f7.1, 1/2000


53279566660_c7509a5816_k.jpgD14I8833 by tdgraves, on Flickr


372) European stonechat

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The weather was unexpectedly good on Friday, so I went to Welney. I took the big lens, but unfortunately forgot the key for it's case...


WWT Welney, Norfolk, UK, 3/11/23


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1250, f7.1, 1/3200


53310736806_b85532e3d1_k.jpgD14I9089 by tdgraves, on Flickr


373) Common redshank (and friends)

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WWT Welney, Norfolk, UK, 3/11/23


Canon 1DX mark III, 100-400 mark II, ISO 1000, f7.1, 1/5000


53310986248_6a7f5fc59a_k.jpgD14I9141 by tdgraves, on Flickr


374) Northern pintail

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The swan feed was a duck feed, but the light was lovely. The rest were duplicates, including a huge flock of fieldfares, my first of the Autumn and a lovely starling murmuration, so please excuse the indulgence....


53311092479_beb0890b80_k.jpgD14I9116 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53310740626_2e80469f2a_k.jpgD14I9196 by tdgraves, on Flickr


unfortunately the underground hide was closed due to flooding - this is the entrance


53310989108_fbb4bf37e3_k.jpgD14I9211 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53310741401_f4cb791f40_k.jpgD14I9223 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53309878462_c9ec7a57f8_k.jpgD14I9333 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53311004763_283bb590aa_k.jpgD14I9539 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53311112144_e4291615f5_k.jpgD14I9563 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53311468636_254f736e24_k.jpgD14I9624 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53311717358_15cb3bba6e_k.jpgD14I9643 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53310624597_b7a46a329f_k.jpgD14I9890 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53310632157_6a4d611bd2_k.jpgD14I9974 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53311439671_cefcb74eb2_k.jpgD14I0020 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53311915395_94a85608a8_k.jpgD14I0044 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53310575872_0b5425a60a_k.jpgD14I0099 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53311453161_e7090af297_k.jpgD14I0198 by tdgraves, on Flickr


53310578817_06ca40e38a_k.jpgD14I0133 by tdgraves, on Flickr


A lovely day!

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Well done with the Cetti’s- always difficult to see let alone photograph 

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1 hour ago, Tdgraves said:

Sir Peter Scott's spirit is alive and well. is alive and well. Crop it frame and I love it.

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16 minutes ago, Galana said:

Sir Peter Scott's spirit is alive and well. is alive and well. Crop it frame and I love it.

Shall I enter it into their photo competition then Fred?

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3 hours ago, Tdgraves said:

Shall I enter it into their photo competition then Fred?

I certainly would try.

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Love the starling sunset!

Some really nice close-ups as well.

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