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I returned to Lusaka  much as I had arrived, as the only passenger in a 6 seater out of Jeki air strip. The pilot was a  very pleasant individual. The flight was very quick - about 25 minutes - and the landing in Lusaka very smooth. I had to compliment the pilot on our feather light touch down.

I spent three nights in Lusaka (this was unnecessary) - playing it safe for covid testing and any hiccups, before returning home through Johannesburg. For those members who have indicated they are booked and or planning a Lower Zambezi safari, I envy you. Would love to return. I look forward to your own reports or briefs and perhaps some photo's.

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Thanks for the report...I loved all the photos but the leopard cub and mum are hard to beat!  

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@marirangwe  I very much enjoyed reading your trip report and also loved your pictures. Thanks a lot.

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  • 6 months later...

@marirangwe A great trip, great trip report and beautiful photos, thank you. Envy meter spiking on "high"!

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Thank you for the compliments. Glad you enjoyed the report!

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@marirangwe thank you for completing the TR, although I'm rather late to it! I appreciate the time and commitment taken to delve into details and post the wonderful photos, but it brings back the bush and the wildlife to me as i have missed it sorely for the last 2.5 years and will probably miss going to Africa for another year.  

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