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Alex & Zvezda's Big Year 2021: Version 6.0 Limited Edition


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22 minutes ago, PeterHG said:

Are you sure your Cirl Bunting (088) is not a Corn Bunting?

Not sure. But next day another birder has posted a sighting of a Cirl Bunting on eBird Slovenia site.

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8 hours ago, PeterHG said:

Are you sure your Cirl Bunting (088) is not a Corn Bunting?


I thought the same - not a species I´m terribly familiar with, but a Cirl Bunting should have some yellow on the belly, no?

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15 hours ago, michael-ibk said:

but a Cirl Bunting should have some yellow on the belly, no?

Yes ... but it also should have a yellower beak. I only have 1 photo, and it is a lousy one. On the side of a Cirl Bunting is the fact that it was spotted in that same area also by other birders. I hope during the year there will be a better photo taken.

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I opted out of this Bunting call when I saw it.  It could even be a f Yellow Hammer. TBH it does not look 'big' enough for a Corn Bunting.

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Peter Connan

Really pulling out the stops now Alex!

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Dave Williams

What was that brown blur that just shot past me? Must have been on a diet of lettuce and concentrated carrot juice! Back to his underhanded tricks too. C:rolleyes:irl Bunting !

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Dave Williams

Some excellent photos, very envious of the Cetti's Alex. There are several calling at our local reserve, more than I have ever heard before but the chances of seeing one seem to be NIL!

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41 minutes ago, Dave Williams said:

What was that brown blur that just shot past me?

 A hare on a red-eye fly-by :o

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43 minutes ago, Dave Williams said:

Back to his underhanded tricks too.

OK, OK, let it be C:blink:rn then. 

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Ten very turbulent days ended with a perfect day for birding. Of course it was Škocjanski zatok which I have visited first, this time only accompanied by Tanja. It is nice to have a personal driver -_-. I've made a short list of 4 target birds, of which 3 were photographed. 


BY 090 / SI 090

Squacco Heron - Ardeola ralloides





Škocjanski zatok, 8-May-2021



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BY 091 / SI 091

Common Redshank - Tringa totanus



Škocjanski zatok, 8-May-2021

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BY 092 / SI 092

Eurasian Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus scirpaceus



Škocjanski zatok, 8-May-2021

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On top there were 3 bonus birds :D.


BY 093 / SI 093

Eurasian Curlew - Numenius arquata





Škocjanski zatok, 8-May-2021

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Great photos, love the second Curlew especially.

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BY 094 / SI 094

Great Egret - Ardea alba



Škocjanski zatok, 8-May-2021

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BY 095 / SI 095

Common Pochard - Aythya ferina







Škocjanski zatok, 8-May-2021

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Excellent photos, the hand appears to work very well!

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Those 6 new birds gave our BY a nice push towards #100 ... and the day was far from over! 








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brilliant shots, @xelas . love the second curlew shot too. 


only 4 more to the century....

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A very worthwhile excursion. I suppose you'll be needing to buy another camera for Zvezda now that you're hogging this one

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10 hours ago, Soukous said:

I suppose you'll be needing to buy another camera for Zvezda now that you're hogging this one

Not obligatory as we do have another body; but Zvezda would love to get a D500 so yes, most probably she will get it before next overland trip.

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The excursion was not over at Škocjanski zatok. On our way back we have stopped at Cerkniško jezero (Cerknica Lake). Recent heavy rains have filled it to the brim so I have expected to nail a few ducks. Not happened, as there were too many walkers and bicyclists along the main area. Therefore we have moved towards less visited part of the lake where we have spotted this ones hunting and feeding.



BY 096 / SI 096

Eurasian Hobby - Falco subbuteo







Cerkniško jezero, 8-May-2021

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BY 097 / SI 097

Red-footed Falcon - Falco vespertinus





Cerkniško jezero, 8-May-2021

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This is how that part of the lake looks like, and a hunting/feeding sequence of an Eurasian Hobby taken by Tanja.











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Moving to the "upper" end of the lake there was one more bird to bag.


BY 098 / SI 098

Whinchat - Saxicola rubetra







Cerkniško jezero, 8-May-2021

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